Chapter 651 Extraordinary (Fifty One)

  The basketball fell on the ground, bouncing ‘Da Da’.

  Bo Yicheng took a meal, and did not wait for the person who came to tell the news to react, he had to go directly to the infirmary.

  The moment the boy passed by, the boy recovered and grabbed him: "No, your sister is okay, she sent someone to the infirmary."

  I was shocked to Si Wen just now: "Can you stop gasping for breath next time you speak?"

  Bo Yicheng also glanced at the boy, and then said to his teammates behind him: "I won't fight today, I'll go to the infirmary."



"elder brother?"

When Bo Yicheng arrived, Bo Limo was standing by the door with his arms folded.

  His eyes follow his sister closely.

   Seeing that it was indeed okay, and then noticed that there was a fat man lying on the hospital bed inside.

  Zhang Mao's small face was blue and purple, and there were stubborn tears in his eyes. There was a pair of glasses on the bedside, and the lenses were all crushed.

   is pretty miserable.

  The worst thing is that the doctor in the infirmary went out temporarily. It is said that he was going to pick up the person who took the physiological hygiene course for the first time in the afternoon, and he would be back in a while.

  Bo Limo heard the sound of fighting outside the wall and crying with Zhang Mao under the wall on the north side of the campus.

  At that time, she shouted across the wall: "Stop!"

   Outside the wall, Feng Bing and his group were not afraid to hear the sound.

  Don’t look like there is only a wall apart, but if you want to get out of the wall, you have to go through most of the campus, and they will have run away long ago.

  And they deliberately found a place without a camera.

  A group of people punched and kicked Zhang Mao, who was lying on the ground and protecting his head.

  Fist to the flesh.

  It hurts.

   "Smelly boy! All the food I sent school flowers to have entered your kid's stomach!"

   "When I promised to be honest, I will play yin behind my back."

   "Do you play with Lao Tzu as a monkey?"

   "Look at me, I won't beat you up today!"

  The little brothers next to him also echoed: "That is, I must be beaten to death!"

   "Even my boss's woman dare to **** it!"

  The words fell, and a female voice that was more three-dimensional than before, this time sounded from the top of the head.

   "Huh? When did I become your boss's woman?"

  Feng Bing was taken aback when he heard the words, turned his head and looked up, and saw that the girl squatting on the fence was not someone else, but the Bo Yimo he was thinking of.

  The girl jumped lightly and appeared directly in front of Feng Bing.

  A wall wanted to stop Bo Limo?

   didn't look at who her mother was.

   "Momo?" Feng Bing blushed and his fists immediately softened.

  Bo Limo slender hand stroking her chin: "Which one is your boss? Do I think he is handsome?"

  Feng Bing immediately took a step forward, tidying up his wrinkled school uniform, and smiling with eight standard teeth on his face.

  Bo Limo raised his eyebrows to look at him, and thought about it for a moment: "Not handsome, far behind my brother, even more incomparable with my dad."

  Feng Bing's face looked ugly, why didn't this little girl tell the truth?

   "What are you doing there?"

  The uncle security guard only noticed here.

   Feng Bing and the little brothers glanced at each other, and quickly withdrew.


   Just after Bo Yicheng understood what happened, the door behind him was "slammed" open.

   Gao Shengnan rushed over directly from the first middle school, sweating profusely.

  But when he entered the house and saw Bo Limo and the others, he nodded first, and then rushed to the bedside of his son.

  This is the son that she can say is the life of her. If she hadn't met Su Ye, she would not have been lucky enough to see her son grow up like this.

  Stubborn tears flashed in Zhang Mao's eyes: "Mom, why are you here?"

  How can Gao Shengnan be in the mood to answer his questions, she just wants to know how her son became like this.

   Then Bo Limo asked behind her, "Why did they beat you?"

  Mr. Miao Miao has gone to find the teacher in charge of the 2nd class in the third grade.

   Organize a small group in the school, and bully other classmates, and remember that you can’t get away with a big mistake.

  But Bo Limo felt that things were not that simple, especially Feng Bing didn't look smart.

   was used as a gunman.

  Before, Bo Limo heard Feng Bing and they talked about the reasons for beating Zhang Mao, but he didn't understand the cause and effect.

   Zhang Mao looked at them embarrassedly: "Actually, I was wrong about this too..."

  After listening to Zhang Mao's speech, Gao Shengnan knocked his knuckles on the top of his head, which was not flourishing: "You kid! Why are you so greedy?"

   Obviously she didn't understand the point, and she didn't know why he wanted to eat Feng Bing's food.

  Maybe Gao Shengnan didn’t expect that she was only married when she was in her 40s, but her son was so precocious at such a young age.

  Bo Yicheng understands, he is very grateful to Zhang Mao for this matter.

  In any case, Zhang Mao also helped his sister get out of trouble.

  Bo Yicheng just heard what happened, and thought of the same thing as Bo Yimo: "How did Feng Bing know? You didn't mean that no one saw it when you were eating?"

  The people hiding behind Feng Bing are much smarter than Feng Bing.

  They didn’t mention it. Zhang Mao really didn’t think about it. Now, thinking about it carefully, he met someone after eating, and that was...

   Qi Wanyao.

   Gao Shengnan throws a towel to wipe the wound on his son's face.

  Bo Limo stopped: "No, the towels are not disinfected, they are easy to get infected. I just called the doctor, and the doctor said they will be there soon."

  Bo Limo often sees his mother treating other people’s illnesses. Although he doesn’t know much for the time being, he still knows some basic knowledge.

  Thanks to her reminder, Gao Shengnan quickly withdrew his hand.


  At the same time, a school car slowly drove into the campus.

  The one who is driving is the doctor in the infirmary.

  There are two people sitting in the back row.

  One man and one woman.

  The doctor first looked at the man through the rearview mirror. He was dressed in a straight suit and short hair.

  People who engage in technology seem to look younger, unlike other giant crocodile tycoons.

  No one can see that a man is already in his 30s.

  "Mr. Jiang, this is the tenth year that your company has sent someone to our school to give the students a course in physiological hygiene. On behalf of our school, I would like to express my deep gratitude."

  “Actually, you don’t have to come with you next time. It’s too much trouble for you. I can take Mr. Zhao to the school!”

Jiang Yu looked at the people around him and paused for a few seconds: "It's not troublesome," and then glanced at the rearview mirror: "Our medical app used to carry out the sanitation project for primary and middle school students. The rest of the schools were not optimistic. One stepped forward to support and led other schools. Our company will not forget this matter."

  The doctor nodded comfortably, and then faced Mr. Zhao, who was sitting next to Jiang Yu in the physiological hygiene class. As soon as he was about to greet him, Mr. Zhao’s cell phone rang.

On the other side of the phone, an elderly female voice was roaring: "Zhao Xiaotao! How old are you this year? Guess how old I am? Let me guess how many years I can live? No matter if I don’t get married, even a man No friends! No boyfriend, girlfriend is fine! Do you want grandma to death?!"

   1-2 more~

     Babes want to see the ending of Di Jiangyu and Zhao Xiaotao



  (End of this chapter)

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