Chapter 671

  Bo Yunli's breezy expression suddenly became overcast and rainy: "..."

  Dad and...sister?

  He looks very old?

  But this is not the point, and he is not afraid of old age.

  The point is, are you old enough to be Su Ye’s father?

  Bo Yimo and Bo Yicheng glanced at each other, smiled silently, and said nothing.

  Mr. Miao Miao hadn’t realized what was going on, she saw Bo Yunli staring at Su Ye for a moment, and said frivolously: “Scream Daddy come and listen.”

  This is not the way the father talks to the daughter...

  Mr. Miao Miao’s ears were instantly red just as she listened nearby.

   also came to understand.

  Su also looked back at Bo Yunli, his expression was hard to say: "..."

  I hope that the teacher’s unintentional sentence will stop stimulating someone's potential evil taste...

  Zhang Mao followed behind: "Teacher, she is Li Mo's mother, not her sister!"

Although the first time I saw Su Ye himself, Zhang Mao also felt that she was both beautiful and young. It really didn’t look like a mother who could give birth to Bo Yimo and Bo Yicheng, but Zhang Mao knew that their mother would come today and also knew that their family had two. A child, no sister.

   Having made such an embarrassing mistake, Ms. Miao Miao was very embarrassed: "It turned out to be Li Mo's mother. She is so young, so just now..."

  Not only is she young, but the whole person's state is completely like a girl in her 20s.

  Su also looked at her, and she even felt ashamed: "Mother Li Mo used to... must be a school girl, right?"

  Su also raised his eyebrows slightly in a polite tone, but the words that came out were extremely arrogant: "Flowers and grasses."

  Ms. Miao Miao nodded solemnly, she absolutely believed it!

  The parents passing by can't help but mutter to their children: "This classmate's parent... is too young, right?"

  The average appearance of the whole family, parents all worry that their children fall in love early and are not in the mood to study.

  Parents: "Although it is very tempting, but do not fall in love early! Have you heard?"

  Children: "Don’t be funny, look at your looks, you will know that I and others are not in the right place, but I think it is impossible for others to follow me, okay?"


  So bad.

  Bo Yunli nodded to Ms. Miao Miao, and then led the people into the campus.

When    left, he deliberately held Su Ye's shoulder.

   so as not to have that kind of ridiculous misunderstanding.


  The parent conference process of the first one is more than that of other grades, because this is the first time that the teachers of each class have met with parents.

  As for the seniors, they have already been in touch before, so some tedious steps can be saved.

At this moment, the class 6 students in the first grade of the first grade have not yet come together. Ms. Miao Miao gathers the arriving students together for a small meeting. Su Ye sees the time is still early, so he goes to the third grade of the upper floor to see the situation with his son. .

  Bo Yicheng's side, the teacher has already sent out the transcript of the preliminary test, and the parents of the students who have arrived are sitting in the classroom to watch their results.

  Bo Yicheng is the tallest in the class and his seat is in the last row.

  In the corridor, Su Ye saw Bo Yunli sitting in the back row from afar.

  Bo Yicheng stood by, and the teacher walked back and forth in the room, basically walking two steps and one stop, because there were many parents who were anxious to ask questions.

  Bo Yicheng’s head teacher is a woman in her early 30s.

  Everyone called her Teacher Gong.

  Gong teacher got the correct answers to a few parents, and deliberately sneaked up to Bo Yunli's side with a bright smile: "Dad Yicheng, you must always be in charge of the study of Yicheng, right?"

The parents beside    are busy reading the papers, but Bo Yunli is...checking the cleanliness of his son's desk.

  Except for the papers that have just been issued, there is nothing on the desk beside it, and the desk is clean and tidy.

  There are no papers in the pages of the book.

  Bo Yunli nodded.

   seems very satisfied.

  In the past three years of teaching Bo Yicheng, Mr. Gong doesn’t know how many times he has been named and praised by the director and principal.

  And the annual school parent conference, Teacher Gong is the most looking forward to, because I can see Yi Cheng's father again.

  The other teachers in the office didn't know how envious she was. When she went out this morning, she cleaned herself up.

She is accustomed to Yi Cheng’s father who rarely speaks. For example, the question just now was not answered, but she continued: “Yi Cheng is so good, you must be inseparable from your education. I don’t know if you can come on stage to talk to your parents later. Let’s talk about the educational experience?"

  Bo Yunli neatly folded the papers on the tabletop, and did not respond to Teacher Gong’s words.

  Bo Yicheng looked at his father, and then at the teacher, he understood that he didn’t want to answer if he didn’t answer.

   is also normal, dad will not agree to such a boring request.


  Su also called Bo Yunli from the back door.

  Like Wen Ni and Gu Qi, they usually call their husbands.

  Even Xie Minmin called the boy his dad.

But Su also called Bo Yunli these years, always using the word "Hey" and the word "who" when he was in a good mood. Only when he did something like that... when he was pressed into a hurry, he would call him... "little ice cream". ...

  Su also had a low voice, even Teacher Gong didn’t hear it, but Bo Yunli naturally stopped what was in his hands, looked back and smiled thin lips: "What's the matter, baby?"

  Su Ye: "My son's teacher asked you to talk about it, so let's talk about it."

  Cooperate with the teacher's work.

  Bo Yunli raised his head to look at Teacher Gong, who did not know when to stand beside him, and calmly said: "What are you talking about?"

  Gong teacher: "??"

  Bo Yicheng: "??"

  Su also heard him say this and was obviously taken aback.

  She also thought that he didn't want to talk about it if he didn't answer, and even the feelings of Teacher Gong didn't know what it was about?

   "Just now, the teacher asked me so loudly that you didn't hear it?"

  Thin·Heterosexual Insulator·Yunli: "I didn’t pay attention."

  Gong teacher squeezed the lesson plan's hand tightly, feeling a small knife directly into his heart.

  She is also Bo Yicheng’s head teacher anyhow!

   Is there so no sense of existence?

  Bo Yicheng glanced nervously at his mother who was standing at the door with a strong aura.

  The visual hazard coefficient is very high.

Su also tilted his head, feeling that Bo Yunli was not at all concerned with his son’s parent meeting, and he was unceremonious: "What are you doing here? Not holding a parent meeting? The teacher has spoken to you for a long time and you haven't heard me? Why did you hear it when I called you? You have a filter in your ears?"

  The whole class is quiet for a moment.

  No one thought that such a noble and elegant gentleman would be read by his wife at home.

If you want to change to another man, you will definitely feel shameless. Who knows that Bo Yunli is not ashamed at all, and there is no sullenness between his eyebrows, but rather proud. He calmly replied a sentence, and his anger is gradually rising. Su was also choked instantly.

  He said: "No filter is installed. I am sensitive to your voice."

   1-2 more~



  (End of this chapter)

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