Chapter 681 Extraordinary (eighty-one)


  Alexander’s plane at night was a private jet and arrived in China at noon the next day.

  In the hospital, Alexander drove his agent outside, with his arms on his back, pacing back and forth in front of the hospital bed in Reli, looking anxious.

Reli got up, took a cushion to put it on her waist, and while uncle couldn’t see it, she didn’t forget to grab her handsome haircut: "Uncle, don’t worry, my injury will last for a while. Well, I didn't expect that the two women would be so cruel..."

  Alexander stopped, looked back at him, and paused: "Two girls, which one did you move?"

  Reli paused. He didn't seem to tell his uncle why he was beaten, did he? did you know?

Reli's eyes flickered, and her mouth faltered: "The actress named Xie Minmin I wanted to come... But the woman came in before I had time, uncle, I really drank too much, otherwise I won't That kind."

  Alexander’s face changed obviously when he heard ‘the woman behind’, “Did you touch the later one?”

  Reli thought of Su Ye's rubbing on the ground and still had lingering fears, so she shook her head into a sieve, and complained: "No, no, she beat me the most, and I didn't even touch her with a finger!"

  Listening to him, Alexander’s face eased a little, and after thinking for a long time, he sat down by his bed: "I have sent someone to contact them. They should be able to come tomorrow. You are ready to prepare, apologize first, and talk about other things later."

   Fuck her lips warmly: "Apologize? No need, uncle? Just go through the legal process."

  Alexander looked at him, his eyes were cold, his expression resolute: "I will definitely go in the later stages of the legal process, but I must have an apology!"

  Looking at his uncle’s expression, he couldn’t refute anything: "Okay, then I'll wait for them to come tomorrow."

  Thousands of words are condensed into one sentence-my uncle really loves him!


  Different from the solemn atmosphere in the ward, Su Ye is much more relaxed here.

  Xie Minmin asked her to accompany her to the hospital tomorrow, and Su also agreed. At this moment, Bo Zhan is letting Bo Zhan experience the medical equipment she has debugged.

  Because we need to use the newly-developed nutritional medicine from the National National Taiwan University Research Laboratory, Wen Ni also came to help.

  Bo Zhan was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at the children who helped him get the equipment and dosing, with warm eyebrows.

  Su also adjusted the injection speed of the medicine: "How do you feel?"

  Bo Zhan closed his eyes, and answered with a slightly relaxed expression: "I really feel that my body is quite refreshing."

  The housekeeper took advantage of the good condition of the old man today, so he confirmed the list of guests for the birthday banquet with him.

  To say that Bo Zhan is a long-lived person, his grandson is filial, and Bo Yunli personally goes through each process at the birthday banquet every year. The show is very large and lively.

  Bo Zhan didn't want to be as big a deal as in previous years. He invited so many people, so he asked the housekeeper to invite all those people in his grandfather group who were close to him.

   like Wang Qingshen, Zhang Qingfeng, Ye Lao.

  Others try to be as concise as possible.

  The butler looked embarrassed: "Master, are you sure that this year will not be a big deal? The guests are so simple, and the master is not easy to explain, you also know that the master attaches great importance to your birthday banquet..."

  Bo Zhan waved his hand: "I said it was my birthday banquet. I can do it whatever I like."

Wen Ni checked the data for a while and saw that the instrument was operating normally and there was no problem, so he began to pack the luggage he had brought, and when he heard Bo Zhan chatting with the housekeeper, he smiled: "I understand the old man. Friends who are close to each other have a common language."

  Bo Zhan smiled and said, "That is, a few of our old brothers, the biggest common language is also my grandmother."

  The white moonlight in my heart, the older I am, the more memorable I am.

  Su Ye's hand movement was very inconspicuous and paused.

  Bo Zhan didn't notice, his thoughts had drifted towards Bai Yueguang.

   "The older people are, the more they love to think about the past. When I leave, I will be able to see her aunt and grandma. When I think about it this way, I feel that death is not so terrible."

  Wen Ni turned his head and glanced at Su Ye silently.

  The white moonlight that the old man is thinking about is still in the world.

  After this old man leaves, if he finds that Bai Yueguang has not been found, will he regret not insisting on it anymore?

   Thinking of this, Wen Ni's mouth twitched.

   Guai Yi Guai Yebao is so charming that people will never forget it.

   Packed up things, Su also sent Wen Ni away.

  Out of the gate, Wen Ni glanced at no one around him, and mysteriously pulled Su Ye aside.

  Su also looked at her and knew what she wanted to do, but he still followed her.

  Sure enough, the two of them could stand still, and listened to Wen Ni saying: "Yebao, your true identity...have never told the father? Anyway, you are married now, should you be okay?"

  Su Ye: "I can't say it."

  Just Bo Zhan’s big mouth. If he wants to know, Zhang Qingfeng and the others will know it.

  Even Edwin, who is as far away as Q Island, might know that she was the one who designed the semi-automatic small test bench back then.

  The scene was terrible thinking about it.

  She finally married the grandson of her good friend, so she couldn’t live by passing it on.

   also the grandfather set directly collapsed.

  And let them know that after she came back from the rebirth, she heard that they kept talking about herself, but she was still hiding their own identity...

  No matter where you analyze it, you can’t say it. The longer you drag it, the more you can’t say it.

  It’s pretty good now. She treats Bo Zhan, and Zhang Qingfeng will help if they have problems, but they always think that she is their grand niece, and they are in peace.

  Wen Ni nodded her chin, raised her head and thought: "But I always feel that in the end, I won't let the old man know the truth, is it a bit..."

  Su also glanced at her: "Then wait until the day he really wants to leave. Anyway, he can't let him have a chance to tell others."

  Wen Ni thought she had a good idea, and looked at the time: "Okay, I have to go back to the research room quickly."

  Su also raised his eyebrows: "Why are you so anxious? Is there anything going on in the research room lately?"

  After Professor Edwin left, Wen Ni has been in the research room.

  She got into the car in a hurry, stretched out her hand out of the window to blow a kiss to Su too: "A professor asked for leave in an urgent matter at home. I was too busy these two days. Let's not talk about it, let's go~"

  Su also raised her chin to her and watched her drive out of the compound.

  National Taiwan University, it’s been a long time since I went back.


  At around 9 o'clock the next morning, Alexander arrived at the hospital.

  Reli’s agent was waiting outside, and when he saw him going in violently, he stopped in a very kind manner: "Uncle Reli, Reli hasn't woken up yet. May I sit with you for a while?"

   Alexander threw away his hand directly, looking hurriedly: "It's too late, the people over there are coming."

   1-2 more~



  (End of this chapter)

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