It didn't take long.

When Bianca returned to the lab, she saw Monroe sitting obediently on the bed, her hands intertwined and fiddling in front of her.

"This is after I left, what interesting things happened?"

Bianca looked at Rita. Monroe rarely showed such a gesture.

"Nothing, just a little comfort to Miss Monroe who lost her composure."Rita smiled and narrowed her eyes, whispering in Monroe's ear:"Then we'll do the things we look forward to next time."

Bianca thought for a moment. What are we looking forward to ? Bianca was not sure what the maid was thinking. Although she was a trustworthy teammate, it was difficult to judge her character in life and daily situations. A kind friend? A maid who was good at calculating people's hearts?

【We still don't know what happened between Monroe and Rita that day.】

【Friendship! It must be friendship! Anything beyond friendship will not pass the review.jpg】

【It doesn't matter, I'll make up my mind】

【Only���I care, will Mei be cheated on?】

【What's the matter with green or not? We are all Monroe's wings.jpg】

As for Monroe, she didn't want to talk anymore.

She swung her feet shyly.

Even she didn't know what this exciting thing was.

It couldn't be what she thought.

What a hateful maid!

"Forget it, it's good to be calm." Bianca gave up thinking and walked to Monroe, with a serious expression, and said:"Because next, things are a little difficult to handle."

"Difficult to handle?"

Monroe raised her head. She didn't quite understand what Bianca meant by"difficult to handle"."

""What happened? Lord Orlandel?" Rita's expression became serious. If even Bianca found it difficult to deal with, then the situation was probably not going well.

"Don't be too pessimistic, I just think that person is hard to understand."

Bianca spread her hands, then looked at Rita and Monroe, and said:"After I briefly recounted Monroe's situation, the order I received was to conduct a more detailed inspection, and after confirming that there was no danger, immediately go to the Destiny Floating Island"

"Bishop, request to see Monroe!"

"Bishop Otto?"

Monroe's eyes widened slightly.

She knew this person better than Mei, because Otto was the main person who promoted the entire Honkai plot.

In the game, there are also famous memes.

Dog Toto, Green Toto, etc. Because he lost his beloved, Otto wanted to use the power of Honkai to revive his beloved, and thus secretly promoted the progress of Honkai, which also caused some tragedies, such as the second Honkai.

Monroe didn't know what Otto's ending was in the original game, but this didn't prevent her from being wary of this person.

"If it was that person, it would be a bit tricky."

Rita nodded. As the leader of the entire destiny, Rita could not see through that person's scheming. She only knew that under the bright and beautiful destiny, there was a dark side that could not be shown to others.

Including some things in the past, Rita and Bianca would know more.

"Don't worry, we will accompany you. Bishop Otto allowed us to go together, so you don't need to worry."

Bianca picked up Monroe and walked out of the laboratory, saying,"It may be tedious, and it will be normal to be tired from the bumpy journey to the headquarters in two days."

"If you feel sleepy now, you can take a short rest."

""Yeah, a little bit."

Monroe nodded. The strong impact and the unknown that followed made Monroe a little exhausted. She missed Mei a little.

Closing her eyes, Monroe soon fell asleep in Bianca's arms.

Her frowning brows did not look like she was having a good dream.

"It's really unfortunate that I have to deal with the Herrscher again." Bianca sighed, clenched her hands, and said to herself:

"I always feel like I can't protect her from panic."

"Lord Yulan Dell also feels this way? You are the strongest Valkyrie."Rita put her hand on Bianca's shoulder and smiled,"Don't worry, you can protect what you want. If you can't do it alone,"

"Then take Rita with you."

"The Immortal Blade is bound to do this."

"You, are you too concerned about this child?" Bianca nodded slightly, and looked at Rita with a hint of ridicule.

"Isn't it the same for you?"

Rita asked back.

This made Bianca stunned for a moment, then she nodded in relief and said,"That's right, I asked a stupid question."


Destiny, Floating Island.

This is Monroe's second time here. She is still familiar with the airport, but compared to the previous area, the atmosphere in the First Airport is particularly serious.

Because today, the Bishop of Destiny is here.

"Don't be nervous, the bishop is not a difficult person to get along with."Bianca stayed with Monroe, trying to reduce her pressure.

Rita did not speak, but tried to get closer to Monroe.

Bianca was enough to persuade, and what the maid had to do was to relax the atmosphere and senses.

When they walked to the end of the airport and stepped into the command and operations room, a white-haired girl came forward, wearing goggles, and said calmly:"Lord Youlan Dell, Lady Rita, please wait for the inspection, this is the rule, you should not stop it."

"Of course."

Bianca nodded, and then she and Rita took a step back.

This examination was not aimed at them, but at Monroe, who came for the first time. Because she had some relationship with the Herrscher, a more detailed examination had been done before.

The report was that Monroe had a lot of Houkai energy hidden in her body.

But the difference was that Monroe was not a Herrscher, but more like a container for power. She responded to the Herrscher detector, but the strength did not reach the level of the Herrscher.

Fortunately, or unfortunate.

In scientific terms, Monroe is now a pseudo-Herscher, and it is impossible to rule out the possibility of being promoted directly to the Herrscher.

"Please wait for a moment, the test will take a while."

The white-haired girl waved her hand, and a group of people in white coats surrounded Monroe again, using all kinds of instruments to test her, and even temporarily built a closed space.

After a quarter of an hour, the group of people left.

Monroe looked even more tired.

It was really too cumbersome.

"No problem, what's next?..."

The white-haired girl took out a handcuff-like limiter. This shackle, developed by humans, can limit the spread of Honkai energy and can effectively suppress Honkai energy.

"This, let’s not talk about it."

Bianca walked forward, pulled Monroe behind her, and said,"The examination cannot determine that she is a Herrscher."

"Lord Orlandel, we must always take precautions against the Herrscher.

The white-haired girl did not retreat.

The air gradually became tense.

But before the conflict broke out, a voice stopped the dispute between the two.

"Don't be so nervous, we are all warriors against Honkai, people should be more tolerant."

This voice appeared like a reconciler, humble, elegant, but also hiding a certain calmness of a superior. Although extremely elegant, it makes people wary.

A blond man walked slowly.

He was a very young man with blond hair and blue eyes. If you only look at his back, you might be confused by his long hair tied into a single ponytail and think he is a beautiful woman.

He walked forward and set his eyes on Monroe. After looking at her with a smile, he slowly said:"Is this the girl who looks like a Herrscher? She looks young."

"Amber is not trying to embarrass you, but humans are all afraid of the Herrscher, so please be tolerant of her."

"No need to wear shackles"

"For someone who has not yet determined whether he is a Herrscher, shackles are somewhat insulting to humanity. Anyway, welcome, Miss Monroe."

"Let me introduce myself. I am Otto Apocalis, Bishop of Providence."

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