The recitation of the Sword Heart Art is not slow. For Fu Hua, it is already engraved in her heart.

But the process of comprehending the Sword Heart is very long.

Fu Hua has seen people who meditated for a whole month before coming out of the state of mind.

But being immersed does not mean success.

It is a good thing to leave safely. More people will even sink into the inner demons forever.

"The age is right, a quasi-A-class Valkyrie of twelve years old is already considered a genius at this age."

Fu Hua looked at Monroe who was meditating.

The white-haired Lolita frowned slightly, as if she had seen something bad.

Tempering the sword heart is like this.

However, Fu Hua looked at Monroe who was immersed in pain, and she thought of some seemingly forgotten memories. In the memory, a group of young children surrounded her, and some of them, like Monroe, woke up from the tempering of the sword heart.

Then they ran to her side for comfort


Fu Hua whispered, she thought of Monroe's previous appearance, and a trace of longing and expectation brewed in her heart.

Did she actually expect to succeed?

Fu Hua sighed, she lowered her eyes, and began to fall into meditation, but she was not practicing sword energy. Her sword energy had already reached its peak. All she had to do was to recall the old memories, the past that she had lost or forgotten.

Fu Hua, who had long stopped practicing sword energy, was subtly trapped in the tempering of her sword heart. Although it was the first realm of Taixu sword energy, this realm was the foundation that supported everything. Even if she practiced to the final divine realm, she could continue to temper her sword heart and make it more solid.

If it was normal, Fu Hua could break free easily.

But at this moment, she wanted to stay.

In a peaceful mountain forest, a group of young children surrounded Fu Hua.

"Master, Chaoyu doesn't quite understand the state of mind. Can you teach me?"

"Master, it's so scary outside, I want a hug..."


"Master, wake up. If you continue sleeping, the dormitory will be closed."

I don't know how long it took. Fu Hua rubbed her sleepy eyes. She had left the illusion of tempering the sword heart and returned to Saint Freya's practice room.

Monroe put her hands on her waist, with a blaming expression, and said dissatisfiedly:"I thought the master was just taking a nap, but he slept for the whole afternoon."

"It's been a long wait"

"After mastering the sword energy, I want my master to see it first."

"Sword Qi? Have you mastered it?" Fu Hua was stunned for a moment, then looked at Monroe with an incredible look, examining her body. She could see a layer of subtle collapse energy attached to her, which was a sign of successful swordsmanship.

Could it be that she was really a genius?

"Of course, as soon as I opened my eyes, I found that there was some connection with the Honkai energy in the atmosphere, but..."Monroe thought for a moment, she raised her hand and asked doubtfully:"But it can only enter the body a little bit, after absorbing the collapse energy three times, the body will not be able to use this technique"

"As for the specific amount, it's probably just three swings of the sword, three more chances of sword energy."

"This is so strange, is it because my level is not high enough?"

"Maybe not." Fu Hua shook her head and looked at Monroe's body. After a short while, she seemed to think of something.

"Once you enter the heart, you can absorb the collapse energy in the atmosphere. Although the amount varies from person to person, it is not as short-sighted as you."

"What did you see when you were tempering your sword heart?"

Fu Hua had to wonder if something went wrong during Monroe's tempering of his sword heart, which caused the problem with his heart essence.

"What did you see?..."

Monroe thought about it, but soon, she covered her head. A trace of pain appeared on her forehead. It was a painful memory.

The flames burned in her hometown. It was a white figure in the sky, like a god, destroying her hometown. The white figure smiled at her and snapped his fingers. Then, she seemed to fall into an endless abyss.

It was the original fear.

It was the Herrscher who destroyed her hometown.

"The early shadow of collapse? If it is the inner demon, it is indeed impossible to maintain the sword heart."Fu Hua shook her head regretfully.

Monroe can only be regarded as half a step success at this moment. She can use sword energy, but she only has three chances, and it is still greatly weakened.

What a half-step heart can do is very little, and even wanting to enter the next meaning and even form is very little.

"It seems that I can no longer be your master. Let's forget about the sword energy...."

Fu Hua shook her head.

She herself didn't realize that there was a trace of regret and reluctance in her heart, and she just thought it was a sigh of failure.

"That won't work!"

Monroe shook her head, she walked to Fu Hua, then hugged her lumbar spine tightly, with a coquettish and cute attitude, and said willfully:"I didn't fail, I'm just not strong enough! Master must have remembered it wrong! This is the Taixu Sword Qi"

"Obviously this is..."

Fu Hua wanted to explain.

However, Monroe was devoted to learning, and she put down her teacher's airs.

Compared with dignity, powerful moves are more useful.

You can only look at face, but it is useless in the face of collapse!

"If I say it's successful, then it's successful. Just tell me if I can use it or not." Monroe grumbled,"Master, your Taixu Sword Qi is different from mine. As the saying goes, it varies from person to person. I definitely understand my own Taixu Sword Qi better.""

"Understand your own Taixu Sword Qi..."

Fu Hua slapped her head, she found that she couldn't seem to convince Monroe with the right reason, because in fact, as the last holder of the Taixu Sword Qi, she didn't understand why Monroe could cultivate half of the Taixu Sword Qi.

This thing only has success and failure

"It really works..."

Fu Hua was between agreeing and denying. She finally chose to agree reluctantly. It might be because she was soft-hearted or because of the dream she had in the afternoon. She did n't want to reject Monroe....Teach me, you don't lose anything.

"Great! Then take it as Master's consent." Monroe raised her hands and cheered. She hugged Fu Hua and said flatteringly,"So, Master, please teach me the secret quickly. My Taixu Sword Qi has a flaw. It must be that Master didn't pass it on to me."

Fu Hua was very upset. She regretted her soft-heartedness. She had previously vowed that she didn't understand her Taixu Sword Qi.

"There is no shortcut to Taixu Sword Qi."Fu Hua had a stern face. She looked like a simple and rigid girl before, but now she has the charm of a master. Her reprimands seemed harsh, but revealed a tone that was not there before.

Monroe felt that the distance between herself and this master was inexplicably closer.

"Come to the playground every morning. I will teach you the basics of Taixu Sword Qi. If you are late, there will be a punishment."

"Oh! Thank you, Master!"

Monroe cheered.

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