"The gemstone storage area is on the 12th floor underground in the central building. If you rush there at your current speed, you should still be able to prevent this disaster......"

This is what Siegfried said before he left.

Monroe looked at the special container in her hand that could store gems. This was a box that could suppress gems. As long as she took it out, she could end this disaster.

Monroe walked on the streets of Singapore.

She could feel the Houkai energy in the air rising sharply. It was a change that ordinary people could not detect, and it was this change that made her hear a familiar voice.

【No reply? Another..."I just sent you a message.】

【The little girl just now was also worried about you. I think you should wait a little longer. It is not easy to select the Herrscher by relying on gems.】

【The enemy should be the clone. It is difficult to defeat him with your strength....】

The voice of the Third Herrscher whispered in her ear.

It seemed that due to the rise of Honkai energy, her consciousness began to become active.

"I don't want Mei to worry too much.���Frustration and troubles should not be given to others."

Monroe shook her head and looked at the central building that was gradually approaching.

"But the reason why I am so anxious is that I always feel that the key to this mission is not that simple...."

【Not that simple? What do you mean?】

The Third Herrscher didn't understand, and Monroe shook her head again

"I don't know, but...I always feel like I've overlooked something. This time, the plan is Cocolia's conspiracy to create a Herrscher. It's no big deal for Master, Kiana, and me to join in. Although the process is a bit dramatic, Siegfried's arrival seems a bit coincidental at first glance...."

"But as Kiana's father, his arrival is not impossible."

Monroe whispered.

Soon, she came to the place Siegfried said.

Here, Monroe began to stir up lightning. She was not sure whether there was a second Walter clone here.

According to the general plot, it is normal to have a boss guarding the gate here.

In fact, Monroe did see the Walter clone.

But it was not alive, but had completely fallen to the ground, as if it had been knocked down by a punch from something terrifying.


Monroe walked forward to take a closer look, her eyes slightly surprised

【This music is wrong! Family! It's totally wrong. How can someone crush a false hermit? There's something wrong!】

【Bianca, Fu Hua, and Kiana in armor. First of all, the first two can be ruled out. There is no reason, because I am simple-minded. I hope that it is Kiana who explodes and smashes the pseudo-herrscher. I also hope that this simple-minded plot】

【Relaxed, happy, sunny.jpg】

【I think everyone here has been infected by Brother Dao. How can there be any reversal? It's nothing more than a boss being arranged later. Can they fight against each other?】

【It's not impossible....】

The activity of the barrage is also gradually increasing.

Monroe sometimes wonders how this group of players can say that they like beauty, but when it comes to the eve of something that doesn't taste good, they become more active? Do

Honkai players like to eat knives?

"Let's go, the final destination..."

When Monroe walked into the building.

However, she did not notice that a red feather was slowly falling in the air, and a figure appeared behind Monroe.

Following the stairs, she came to the underground end of the building.

At this moment, a white-haired girl was kneeling in the room, and there was an old man in a white coat beside her.

However, the old man looked very bad.

The skin all over his body began to fester.

But Monroe had no time to take care of this, because she looked at Kiana from a distance.

The girl closed her eyes tightly, as if she was in a coma, but there was a layer of strange black mist all over her body. The black mist began to condense and slowly merged into Kiana's body.


Monroe wanted to get closer, and the moment she approached Kiana, she saw a pair of eyes that were completely different from before....Golden eyes full of divinity!

At this moment, the doubts in Monroe's heart were completely solved. She finally knew what she had overlooked!

The person who was of the same status as Cocolia, or even higher.

The bishop of destiny.


------------Destiny, Floating Island

""My Lord Bishop, everything is ready. Valkyrie Orandale has already gone to Singapore to wait for orders." Amber reported the latest deployment.

Otto, on the other hand, was holding a goblet and sipping the crystal red wine.

""Hmm, it tastes really good, but I wonder if it's the wine or the show that I'm about to perform that's exciting?"

Otto muttered to himself. He looked at the screen in front of him. At this moment, it was showing a holographic image of downtown Singapore. The

Honkai energy next to him was rising, and Otto's mouth was slightly raised.

"Old friend, when you asked me why I brought Kiana with me and gave her the opportunity to choose her teammates, I didn't tell you because you are not me. For the sake of the plan, I had to hide it from you."

Otto muttered to himself, holding up his glass, as if he was lost in some memory.

"The answer is not difficult, because this plan requires Kiana, and she will definitely become the Herrscher of the gem selection."

"Second, in about 2010, in a village in Australia, the long-lost Second Herrscher reappeared. The village was completely wiped out, leaving nothing behind. The Herrscher was so cruel, but...Interestingly, a young girl survived the disaster."

"It's really strange that the cruel Second Herrscher actually let a girl survive"

"I had a bold plan in mind. Although it was just a backup plan, I took the girl into the destiny and trained her as a Valkyrie, but never interfered with her, because I believed that one day this fate would bring her back to Kiana."

"And this is indeed the case. In this mission, Kiana not only chose the girl on her own, but also, in Singapore, the girl and Kiana, who has become the Herrscher, will face off again."

"What kind of changes will this fate called destiny bring to my plans?"

"Did the Second Herrscher show mercy to the girl, or did Kiana's consciousness accidentally wake up while being controlled?"

"I am really looking forward to it. This kind of emotion is always fascinating."

Otto muttered slowly to himself. He stared at the two girls on the screen, drank the red wine in the glass, and whispered:

"Hatred and companionship, what a cruel truth"

"In the end, will he get his revenge, or will he be annihilated by the Herrscher?"Otto murmured, but quickly denied it.

"No, no, no, maybe, turning enemies into friends is more appropriate."

"I am the person who believes in emotions the most."

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