[I really don't understand your human emotions, but I don't hate them. This kind of emotion seems to transcend hatred, life and death, and even everything. It is really precious and precious.】

【However, you only have one chance to make a move now. What are you going to do?】

【I must remind you that you can only severely injure the Herrscher in front of you once, but you cannot directly beat him back to his original form.】

"I never thought of hurting her, or fighting her to the death."Monroe spread her hands, closed her eyes, and a terrifying force was gathering all over her body.

The power fusion of the Third Herrscher continued to rise.



【Hey, hey! What are you going to do? If you keep going like this, you will be attacked by the power of the Herrscher!】


The Queen also felt the restless Houkai energy in the air.

The two true Herrschers were now unable to grasp Monroe's mind.

""Hello, Queen, as a Ruler, do you hate this world?" Monroe spread her hands and whispered,"To be honest, as I was a long time ago, as you said, I hate this world.���The world, I hate the collapse, I even hate myself"

"I swore that one day I would either destroy Honkai or die in it."

"I used to be more inclined to the latter because I was too weak, but...."

Monroe's eyes show infinite tenderness

"But in Changkong City, I met people who needed me. It turned out that I was not weak. I was free from hatred, and I had companions and a place to stay. It was then that I realized that indulging in hatred, such a self-abuse behavior, was only hurting myself."

"Humph, you are just making excuses for your own incompetence."

The queen snorted coldly.

"Maybe, but I still want to correct your previous question."

Monroe spread her hands.

Before she finished speaking, her figure came in front of the queen in an instant. The distance between the two was quite close, and the queen could even see the micro-expression on Monroe's face.

It was a smile with a proud expression of victory.

"Also, not attacking my companions is not a tragedy! It is because of my trust in Kiana. I am her teacher! It is my duty to protect my students!"

"Sorry Queen, this time...I will win!"

Monroe clenched her fists, and her two blades completely left her hands, standing beside the queen. The spirit sword and the key of heaven formed a kind of energy barrier, but the function was not to attack, but to restrict and hinder. In this terrifying power field, the queen found herself unable to move.

"Humph, is this your last struggle? How can you stop me if you don't dare to attack this body?!"

The Queen curled her lips in disdain.

She didn't even resist much, the force was almost all used to block the body, and she didn't even feel a bit of pain.

Moreover, according to Monroe's energy explosion, in the end she didn't even need to do anything, the force would backfire on her.

As a Herrscher, the Queen knew this very well.

"You can't win!"

"How can a mere human understand a true Herrscher?...."The queen said smugly, but before she could finish her words, she noticed some strange changes.

Wait, her power was decreasing?

No, Monroe's target was not her, but the Serenity Gem?!

""You just noticed it?"

Monroe stuck out her tongue. The black mist that the Queen had previously controlled was gradually being absorbed by Monroe. This power was the key to the Queen's awakening.

As long as this power disappeared, her consciousness would fall asleep again.

This was also the idea that Monroe had been hiding.

Her previous fierce but indecisive attack would give the Queen an illusion that she was hesitating and did not dare to attack Kiana.

Because she was a Herrscher, she did not understand human thoughts, thinking, and even... emotions!

【Awesome! Awesome, is this how you end it? The queen is completely controlled!】

【I was so worried for a long time just now, afraid that Kiana would be beaten to death or something. Now, kid, this is not a tragic story at all, it's a very positive story!】

【Happy, sunny, cheerful! (Seriously)】

【It is truly commendable to resolve hatred. Most importantly, there is no such thing as idealism. Fighting is real fighting, and saving is real saving!】

【If you don't kill Kiana, you won't kill Monroe....】

【No! Man! I just feel happy and you start to destroy my psychology, right?】

【OK, OK, buddy, tell me your address and I'll go to the kitchen to send you a small gift.】

"So, Queen, this is the first lesson I teach you as a teacher. Never indulge in hatred, because it can only limit your vision to a small place."

Monroe could already feel the Queen's consciousness becoming weak.

This was enough to prove that her idea was not wrong.

The Queen was silent.

After a moment, she raised her golden eyes. In those divine eyes, there was less contempt and more seriousness, and said:

"Unexpectedly, I was tricked by the coward I once was."

"I admit that you won for a while." The queen snorted, her voice becoming weaker and weaker. She looked at Monroe and said,"But it was only for a while. Your body was already at its limit. With one more Herrscher power, do you think you can survive?"

"I really don't understand. Is a person who destroyed my hometown worthy of your treatment?"

The Queen's tone seemed to have a subtle flavor.

This flavor was more based on dissatisfaction and contempt, but this was the characteristic of the Herrscher. Monroe always felt that the Queen's words were a bit like her own emotions.

It seemed like envy?

The kind of envy that she didn't have before all the suffering happened.

"Na...Queen, if it were you, you would not have mercy on humans, right?"Monroe whispered, with a gentle smile on her face, and said,"Although I can't remember the memory of that time, if I want to find any kind of...I might still be alive"

"I think only Kiana can do this."


The queen stopped talking. As a Herrscher, she remembered everything that happened.

At the moment when she was about to kill the girl, the ant container under her control actually awakened its own will.

She did not kill the girl, but kicked her aside.

The girl's behavior that day seemed to be a foreshadowing for today, a dying struggle to break free from the cage of fate.

It was really sad, but also made people...

The queen couldn't describe the feeling. She just felt a blockage in her heart. This feeling was a bit like the feeling of human emotion....


"Foolish human, I will not show mercy next time."

The queen threatened coldly.

As the power of the Serenity Gem was completely absorbed, the black mist surrounded Monroe, and the divinity of Kiana finally disappeared. Instead, she fell asleep like a simple girl.

"Hey, it's finally over...."

Monroe coughed, she could feel the horrible pain in her body, a trace of blood came out of her cough, two and a half powers rushed like a rampage, impacting every inch of Monroe's nerves, her blood was boiling and burning, if she allowed this to develop, her only end would be death

【Fighting to this extent is really frustrating】

【You better not get into trouble, or that guy will be very sad at first.】

"How could I make Mei sad? My journey is not over yet."

Monroe smiled, with a hint of concentration in her eyes.

She opened her hands, and a strange card stood in her hands.

It was a three-choice reward she received from the system a few months ago.

A Honkai adaptability card!

(I feel like it will be a waste of time. Please jump to Chapter 45 for the specific function of this card~)

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