The familiar words made Mei reach out her hand absentmindedly. She didn't even have time to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, but wanted to touch the other person immediately.

She was afraid that this was just her fantasy.

"Monroe, are you really awake? This is not an illusion, right?"

"How could it be? Illusions can't create someone as powerful and beautiful as me, right?" Monroe stretched out her arms tiredly, wiping the tears from Mei's eyes.

When her vision cleared, Mei saw Monroe smiling at her.

That smile seemed to have a little change.

It was like the sublimation of emotion.

""I'm sorry, Mei, I made you worry."

Monroe's tone was apologetic.

If they were lovers in love before, enjoying the touch of emotion, now there was a hint of cherishment in Monroe's eyes. She remembered that she had a very long dream, in which she saw her dead self.

In that world, Mei's personality changed after her death.

She no longer smiled, but was silent and cold, just like herself in the past, numbly fighting against the collapse.

Kiana was no longer so optimistic.

The former Saint Freya had a touch of sadness.

Captain Bianca and Rita would present a white flower to themselves every year, and their brows were also lingering with insoluble thoughts.

In that dream, Monroe realized that there were many people who cared about her, and if she left, there would be many people who would be sad because of her.

Perhaps, she should cherish the people around her.

And it seemed that her dream was transformed into the narration of the end of the event, and the barrage players also saw it.

【What the hell? It was a peaceful ending, no one died, and it was a meeting. All these beautiful things combined, why did I still get stabbed? Fortunately, this was a dream. If it was real, the authorities would probably receive a lot of razor blades.】

【I almost didn’t recognize Mei in my dream. The fight was so mindless and heartless. I felt so sad.】

【Mei: I want to create a world with only Monroe.jpg!】

【I mean, if what we are seeing is a dream, then the dream before that was probably...】

【No, buddy! You have to stab me before I'm satisfied, right?】

【Just tell me the address above and I’ll treat you to a meal offline. Of course, it’s normal to feel dizzy, just take some deep breaths!】

"No, no need to apologize, as long as you wake up, it's enough for me." Mei shook her head, she tightly grasped the arm beside her cheek, her cheek firmly resting on it, feeling the warmth that was about to be shattered, but was lost and regained.

"Rather, I will be proud of you as long as you wake up"

"Because you are the hero of this incident."

"Resisting the Herrscher with one's own strength is a feat that many people cannot even dream of.

Theresa and Fu Hua also walked over slowly.

"You girl, since you knew the Herrscher you were facing at that time, why didn't you ask for help? Although you are in the Far East, Hyperion is always ready to go."Theresa's tone was quite dissatisfied. She put her hands on her waist, came to Monroe, and said in a carefree tone:

"God knows, those students were almost in trouble because of you, and their emotions are extremely unstable. St. Freya has a whole day off today."

"Next time, think about your influence before you act."

"No way..."Monroe opened her mouth, pointed at herself, and said a little embarrassedly:"Is it true that I am so popular?"

"Being modest at this time will only make people disgusted."

Bronya leaned against the wall, tilted her head, paused for a moment, and then said:"But Teacher Monroe is so cute, I will forgive you this time."

"Bronya actually...Smiled?"

Mei and Theresa were a little surprised.

They saw that the usually cold and emotionless girl, at this moment, had a faint smile on her face.

It was a smile of relief, ease, and happiness for the moment. Perhaps Bronya herself was not aware of this.

If it was normal, Bronya might deny it.

"Rather than being sad, Bronya felt that it would be better to smile at this time, wasn't it?"Bronya did not deny it, and even she herself was surprised.

It turned out that she could still laugh?

Could she laugh because of such a happy thing, even if the emotional circuit had been burned?

It was incredible.

It was a happy time, as if the previous repression had never existed. Monroe listened to the laughter in her ears, and she began to cherish this peaceful daily life.

Once full of hatred, wandering aimlessly on the boundless sea called"the world", Monroe's life was a journey of nothingness in which she did not know where the end was, what the purpose was, and what kind of future was waiting for her.

But now, she has found her place.

A harbor that can accommodate herself.

She is no longer confused, nor hateful.

Instead, she can appreciate and enjoy the sunrise every day with a peaceful mind, like ordinary people, by the side of the one she loves.

This is probably what people often call happiness.

-----------------Saint Freya, following the Yaezakura incident and the Singapore incident, seems to have really entered a period of peace.

For two whole months, everything was carried out in a peaceful daily routine.

Of course, this was a bit of suffering for Monroe.

Because her injuries were so serious, even after waking up, she couldn't leave the hospital bed for a whole month. She didn't have the slightest ability to move, as if she was paralyzed, and her hands and feet couldn't move.

It's just that, it's nothing, Monroe is not without care even if she has no ability to move.

And Mei took on this responsibility.

But this is where the problem arises.

It seems to be a later settlement, Mei is not without anger in her heart, the punishment is unintentional, such as deliberately making some food that Monroe hates, such as choosing some more effective but extremely unpalatable medicines.

Good intentions, but punishment.

Until the time when she was able to walk independently, Monroe only felt that Mei was like a little devil, but the key is that every time Monroe asked tremblingly.

Mei, are you angry?

But the girl always smiled and said、

"How could that be? I am doing this for you, Monroe, to get better faster. Well, drink this today. It is more bitter than yesterday's medicine, but it will work faster!"

Monroe sat on a chair in the playground of St. Freya. She was a little worried and said to herself:

"What a terrible woman...."

"Mei, she won't become a yandere or something."

Every time she thinks back on it, Monroe feels a little chilly.

"Teacher Monroe! Are you still recovering from your injury today? How is your health recently?"

"Teacher Monroe! I miss you. When can we have class?"

"Teacher Monroe! Can I touch your head?"

The students greeted her enthusiastically as always, which made Monroe's mind turn back a little. Because of her injury, she couldn't continue to teach, although Mei's behavior was a little twisted.

But putting these aside, she had the illusion of entering an old age.

Monroe sighed.

It was boring.

But she was not completely idle.

Monroe spread out her palms.

As her body recovered, she gradually discovered that there was a third Herrscher power in her body. The function was probably the existence that fought with the queen at that time, which could wither and corrupt matter.

But power is only a manifestation. What Monroe meant was that these three strange Herrscher powers seemed to have opened up some subtle functions.

With the blessing of the three powers, her consciousness seemed to be able to go to another wonderful world.

That world is called...

The quantum sea!

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