"It's the same if we go to another place," Jiang Xueer said,"Lanlan, what do you think?"

Ding Lanlan nodded, no objection.

Jian Ci thought for a moment, then said,"Okay, since everyone wants to go, let's go together."

So the four of them walked towards the bus stop together.

Although it's the weekend, there are still a lot of people on the bus. Everyone can only grab the nearby handrails and try to steady themselves.

Everyone finally got off, and they all took the bus to go out and play.

Jiang Xueer had never taken a bus before. She was usually picked up by Uncle Hua when she went out. She saw Jian Ci, Ding Lanlan and Li Yingying holding the handrails tightly, so she followed their example and gently grabbed the handrails on the bus. However, she didn't use too much strength, just held it lightly. When the bus started, due to inertia, she suddenly crashed into Jian Ci's arms, causing her nose to hurt.

In her nose, she smelled the faint fragrance on Jian Ci's clothes.

Jian Ci hurriedly stabilized her, lowered her head and asked with concern���"Are you okay?"

Jiang Xueer covered her nose, her face slightly red, she shook her head and said,"It's okay."

It was the first time I took the bus, and such an embarrassing thing happened. It was so embarrassing.

Many people got on the bus at the next stop, and the car became more crowded. Jiang Xueer was almost squeezed into Jian Ci's arms. Li Yingying, who was standing behind Jian Ci, looked at this scene and lowered her head somewhat unhappily.

Jian Ci looked like some street urchins. He was worried that they would get too close and disturb the three girls, so he stretched out his hand to pull Ding Lanlan and Li Yingying over, and used his body to separate them.

Li Yingying's mouth corners, which had been drooping, relaxed after seeing Jian Ci's actions. She thought silently in her heart: Brother Aci is so nice!

Several people stood on the bus all the way, and finally squeezed out of the crowd with difficulty. They breathed in the fresh air outside the car in big gulps, as if they had just been freed from a battle.

Li Yingying supported her knees with both hands, and said weakly:"There are too many people today! I'm almost squeezed flat."

The bus was crowded during school hours, but she never felt it was as crowded as it was today.

"That's right, I was almost squeezed to death," Jiang Xueer was a little excited, but also a little scared.

She was excited because it was her first time to take the bus, it was so novel, but she was scared because several yellow-haired people on the bus looked at her with ill intentions.

Fortunately, Jian Ci protected them tightly.

Jian Ci looked at the embarrassed look of the three people and felt a little regretful.

If they had known that the bus would be so crowded today, they should have taken a taxi.

He didn't expect that there would be so many people on the bus today.

After a short rest, they followed Jian Ci's steps to Yang Qiang's house.

After a short rest, they followed Jian Ci's steps to Yang Qiang's house.

After walking a few steps, Ding Lanlan suddenly remembered something.

She glanced at the three people, and then whispered:"Well, should we buy some gifts to take to Yang Qiang's house?" Jiang Xueer thought it made sense,"We should indeed bring some gifts to express our thoughts.

Otherwise, let's pool some money and buy something.

" She looked at Jian Ci,"You know Yang Qiang best, what do you think we should buy?" Jian Ci thought for a moment and said,"Milk and apples!

" Yang Qiang and his grandmother both needed calcium supplements, so milk was the best.

Yang Qiang's favorite food was apples, but he always ate damaged apples because they were cheaper.

This time, the four of them pooled some money and bought him raw apples.

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