Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Wu Siyuan took a deep breath and took Dan medicine first. Get up and said to Song Yuxi: "Don't care too much, this girl should just hold her friend, this is quizing and static son, and there is no insertion."

Down to the city slightly bend, I said, "I am really sorry, I just said that I will say that." The person who really apologizes is me. "

Song Jin said: "Wu Shi, how do you will be wrong in yourself? It doesn't matter to you just now!"

Sun Jiajia looked at Wu Siyuan's distressed, so: "Smeir, in fact, don't have anything to push itself, this time, it is true that it is really quiet and silent ..." said that it is too late to say too much. Heavy, watching the woman lying on the ground, only sighing ...

If you have a smile in the corner of the city, you will be deeply got to have a little bit of justice.

"Miss Wu is? I have to talk to you now."

Wu Siyuan looked at her eyes in the city, I don't know why, I always feel that she is bright and pure, it seems to be in general, and I can't help but panic. I am busy taking a smile, and "the girl is going to discuss with me? You please say."

The corner of the city has gradually risen, "Well, that's it, we can't chat with you now."

As soon as I came out, Wu Siyuan had a mistake with Song Yizhen, and Wu Siyuan said that he did not understand: "What is the meaning of the girl?"

Longfei night laughed behind: "If you are obvious, don't you understand? We have to go! You slowly 'play'!"

This is what Wu Siyuan understands that they decided to put the Warcraft!

I have been in the isolation barrier, and I am the Warcraft "quiet rock beast '... I was finally remembered at this moment, I was busy standing straight body, looking at the eyes of the city, actually had a grievance?

"Hey ..." (I am noisy, I am very quiet ...)

The forehead black line is out, this rock beast, should there be a psychological shadow?

This is the rock beast, I have just been in the hairy forgetting, and I suddenly been shocked. Sun Jiajia looked at the rock beast and couldn't control the fall. "Hey ... You don't want to go, I Fear ... "

Song Jin was shocked. He also had injured on his body, and it is nothing to fight at all.

Wu Siyuan turned to an eye, and the heart is also a fear. This rock beast has reached the strength of the sixth stage. They can't overcome it. I am busy watching the city, praying: "Girl, this game is really very Important, please help me? "

The completion of the city is faint, "It's still the sentence, if you are willing to trade, if you don't want, you can invade you for help."

Take the Li Lai Tu: "Take the shielded knot! We are gone."

This, let Wu Siyuan once again, the rock beast behind is excited, Wusiyuan is struggling, looking at the city, "you ..."

Sun Jiajia is in a hurry: "Thoughts, just agree? We have time, you can find it again!"

Song Yao looked at the city, they were forgotten, and they would like to count on the reason, and finally bite, "Wu Shi, agree ..."

Wusiyuan lowered his head, did not speak late, didn't know what I was thinking.

In the city, I didn't respond, and then I was helpless: "Okay, I have given you a chance. It is yourself, we just do this."

Li Luqing waved directly, the rocket was withdrawn, the rock beast did not say, and the rejection of the trapped in the inside was directly vented to Wusiyuan.

"Hey !!" (If you die!)

Sun Jiajia frightened the eyes: "No !!!"


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