Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Li Heng is looking at her, the mouth is slightly hooked, "the purple moon is naturally happy."

Lu Ziyue face, the expression is slight, busy explains: "Momo, don't misunderstand, not what you think."

White Momo smiled, "What are you nervous? I certainly know. Oh, ok, go back to the camp." Said that the hand of Lu Ziyue will go to the spot.

Lu Ziyue is relieved, "Well! Ok."

Li Heng followed behind, looking at the back of Lu Ziyue, there is a touch of love.


Next to a stream in the inner, a group is looking for a road and finally selected here.

"The aura of the West Continence is indeed a few times higher than the east mainland." The city can't help.

Longfei night immediately, "Otherwise, how the strength of the Western Continence will be so much strong than the Dong mainland, the cultivation resources of the West Continent are also very rich."

The city looks to the dust, with curiosity, "Will you be very busy?"

Li Lili did not expect that she will suddenly ask this, a touch of reply: "Not busy."

The city heart: It is no wonder that there will be such a time.

I asked again: "You both came to the East Continent, just to find the owner of the dance, now? After I found me, what do you want?"

This question is also what she wanted to ask, but only did not ask, and they should only know that she is the owner of the dance now, I don't know the identity of the past.

Longfei night suddenly took a long time, and he was busy looking to the light, smiled: "You will say, I will not talk."

Li Lu is lightly glanced at him, a touch of reply: "You won't?" Look at the city, "Do you believe?"

The city directly said: "Do not believe."

This trick doesn't seem to use it? Do you want to say? Not ...

Longfei night face showed a difficult color, I thought about it, so I thought about coughing my throat: "It's actually like this, I also listened to the prophet of the dragon's family. He predicted that the owner of the Phoenix appeared, the owner would be a dragon. The nobles of the family, so I have to find her. About how to know what is in the secret, it is also the prophet. "

"Do you have a prophetism?" The city did not expect.

Longfei night nodded: "Yes!"

This makes her more curious about this prophet, "Longfei Night, the prophet of your family, usually when I have something big, is it?"

"Well, yes."

"Where did he have no appearance?"

Longfei night thinks, finally shake his head, "where the whereabouts are not necessarily, no one knows."

Some regrets in the city, "Okay!"

Longfei Night immediately looked to Li, slightly, "" What about you? I said, you have to say! "

Li Luqing light spitting a word, "God."

Longfei night is first stunned, then laugh, "Haha! What do you say? What do you lie?"

The city is slightly surprised, and immediately ask: "Which god?"

Seeing her very serious, the dragon took the hand, "You will not really believe?"

"Letter." The word is just a word, and the city is very serious.

Li Lai's mouth rose a few points, and it is a smile, "you guess."

Longfei night couldn't help but laugh again. "Do you say this? Isn't it equal to white?"

If you think about it, you don't know what you think, but it's confirmed.

"Eat things, I will think slowly." Li Lili passed a strumpy meat to her.

The city is extracted from the thoughts, I took it again, when I looked at him again, I casually asked: "The god will not be you?"

In this regard, Li Lu is open, "Do you think I will be God?"

"How is it?" Longfei night was eating meat, and didn't forget to plug in. "If he is God, I am the emperor."


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