After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1024, you are a beast

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Longfei night immediately agreed, "Okay! Let's go here!" The words have not fallen.

Zhao Bao saw the fire on the other side, I was excited, busy: "Three people don't worry, I will let them pick up people, you will also make up with me! I would like to thank the three people. "

The city tone is light: "Thank you, you don't have to, I have only one requirement."

Zhao Bao is busy: "You said, as long as you can promise it."

"About I can talk to the magic ** flow, don't say anything. I don't want to have this thing except for you. As for the reason, I think you should understand." The city said, at the same time Hold him.

Zhao Bao immediately nodded, seriously said: "You can rest assured, this must not say, although I am not smart, but it is not stupid, this kind of thing is to go to the ears of people, some people want to use you, you It is my savior. I will never do anything that is uncomfortable! "

Longfei night mouth hooked a trace, "It is best to remember what you said."

"You please rest assured!" Zhao Bao immediately responded.

"Is there moving behind?"

"Take a look!"

Li Lu is turned, "" Go, some people came over. "

The three immediately turned to leave in the inner, and Zhao Bao looked at the figure of them disappeared, recovered the line of sight and looked at the people on the eye.

"You are dizzy, and so on must be dicked by the five elders ... Hey!"

"Who is there?"

A man's voice came, Zhao Bao quickly replied: "It is me! Sanjun's disciple Zhao Bao!"

... The two people appeared in front of them, one person surprised: "Zhao Bao! Are you finally come back?"


"Allure, you are not going to Lingzong? Why didn't you go directly to Lingzong Camp?"

Longfei night looked at the city, and his mouth was hidden.

The city is faint: "How? Do you want to go?"

Longfei night smiles two, "Oh, no! I am curiously asked."

How to watch tonight is something abnormal, but in the city, he has always been not normal. I thought, I don't know that the master is in the parade, or is it in a place ...


There is something to come here, the speed is still very fast.

Three people stopped at the same time, look at the front, ... a shadow flashed, seeing something.

Longfei night with Li Lai also reveals the colored colors, the mouth to the mouth, will catch it.

Looking at the city's arms, holding a little thing, Long Feling night surprised, "Little guy? Are you not coming?"

The phadliness is a small mouth, the mood seems very good: "!" (To follow! To follow! !)

This mouth, the city and the other two, you can smell the wine that is scattered in his mouth, and suddenly understand.

"Haha! It turned out to be drinking? Is it not drinking?"

Longfei night stared at it and saw it directly to hold it.

However, the magic tonic is not to let go, "Cook!" (Walk away! I want adults!)

The city can't help but laugh: "Okay, the feelings need to be cultivated slowly. If you really like it, continue to work hard!"

Longfei night and loose hands, very good mood, "Okay, if I cultivate feelings with her, can I contract? I am a contract beast!"

"No contract, you are the beast." Li Lu is faint, continue to go before.


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