After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1032 is very careful, very gentle

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Digging the trees. Well, I am this plan." The city nodded down, and the hoe has the shovel to give them two people.

Longfei night with Xing Yi again surprised, "Miss Shuo, you are sure? How do you take away?" Xing Yi took a look at the fruit tree in not far away. Although this tree is not very high, it is not small? How do you take away?

Even hidden nights is also strange, Wang Hao digs this tree species? How is the focus?

There is only one point in this, it is not surprised, calmly looks at it, the rock beast is in the quiet and quiet.

The faint explanation of the city said that you may not know, my space ring is a capacity of two hundred cubic.


After a few seconds, Longfei night response is very big: "What? What? Your space ring is too short than me !! My only 30 cubes! It is already rare almost not found!" "

Xing Yi also said that it is very stunned ... Think about his ring is not ten cubic space.

Li Lu is in a bright color, and then says it faintly: "It is rare to see more."

Longfei night suddenly, "cough ... I didn't stop talking?" Then I immediately thought of it, "No wonder! Your tent is moving directly!" He suddenly envyed and hateful, so big rings space It can take a mobile 'house' with you, which is sometimes convenient.

"This is my master sent me." The city immediately said.

Dragon Fei night is doubtful, "When will Ling Zong have such a generous elder?, And this thing is not!"

I haven't waited for the city, I looked at him, asked: "How do you know?"

Taken him in the city, "Well? How do you know? Can you say that my Master is good to me, give me the baby?" I have a lot of money. "You seem ... I understand the spirit. ? "

Longfei night quickly shook his head: "Don't know, don't know at all! I know you know that your ring is definitely out of print!"

When I was, I took the hoe to the tree, Xing Yi immediately kept up.

In the city, I saw this little eyebrow, although I felt that the signs of his various indications showed a problem, but since Dragon Flying Night did not want to say more, she certainly won't ask more.

"Wait to do it."

"What happened?" Longfei night did not understand, just prepared to wavily swear, stopped.

Let the city go to the tree, attach your hand on the tree, close your eyes, light words: "I will take you to a special place, can you be willing?"

At this time, the five-way tree actually moved, turned out of a green halo.

Others are surprised to look at this scene, and Longfei Night is also unknown, the five-way tree actually has a law?

The city exits the induction, two of them: "Okay, you can do it."

Longfei night looks at her: "This tree has a magical knowledge?"

"Well, the five lines of trees are more special." The city also said: "Be careful, don't hurt it."

"Haha! I have opened my eyes today." Longfei night is a little excitement, even busy, "Reassure, I must be very gentle and gentle, never pain."

Then, then I saw that Longfei night 'very careful' 'very gentle', the waving hoe did not seem to have a meal, soft.

The corner of the city is slightly smoked. "Is he excessive?"


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