Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! This time, a few in the city are simultaneous eyebrows, and the footsteps are once again, and they turn around and look at them.

The city is faint and asked: "What happens?"

I should look at Liu Yingjie, and I will show my doubts. I don't understand: "What happened to the English brother?"

Liu Yingjie took a deep weight to look forward to a different color when it is very fast, and it is very fast, and the tone is questioned: "I dare to ask, where is this Miyami never?"

Xiaoqi Xiao, immediately drilled the drill to Longfei Night, and Longfei immediately felt it was some fear, even busy and comforted, "Xiaobang, nothing, don't be afraid! Have a brother, they don't dare to bully your."

I looked at Liu Yingjie's cold and cold channel: "Do you ask this? Is it related to you?"

I should not solve it in the rain, I also said that "Jie Jie brother, what happened?"

The disciples next to it also said that they didn't understand, I asked: "Yeah! English? But what happened?"

bad thing?

A few in the city listened to this sentence, can't help but I didn't know if it was still a laugh. Who did these people regard them?

Liu Yingjie looked at the illusion of Longfei Night, once again opened, "Everyone I don't know, I have heard it in the morning. Last night, Zhao brother, they were attacked by World of Warcraft in the forest, and later fortunately, they can safely Back to the camp.

However, they are trapped around, they are the psychedelic surgery! In the illusion of the illusion, no matter how it can be broken. Then I met the senior World of Warcraft! Three people almost die inside! "

I should show it to the rain, I looked at them, I looked at the oddiji, asked: "Ying Jie brother, what is the relationship between them? The magic tet is not only one?"

Should be Wu Ming not understand, and immediately: "Yingjie, what do you want to say?"

Looking at Liu Yingjie faintly, I have gouavers that he wants to say anything, the corner of his mouth bruises.

Liu Yingjie exposed, "You don't think this is too clever? Last night, our spiritual disciple was inexplicable by the phantom bonus. Today, our Lingzong's flag was stressed, this behavior is completely Shame. And these people who shame the spirit are so clever? There is also a magic torch? "

Looking at the illusion, suddenly sneer: "Don't tell me, this is also a happening."

Longfei night face is treated down, he is not so embarrassing, not to mention, not more important, not more than an illustration, not more than saying, not to intend to sleep. Zhao Bao.

The city is ahead of the first step, first opens before Longfei night, the cold voice, the tone is light: "We are indeed unintentional, how?"

"Oh! You don't think this is to believe this?" Liu Yingjie immediately called, his mouth evoked the ironic, "Lying is like a point. Warcraft? Do you think that you want to meet you?"

The fall of the city is faint, "Do you believe it, what is the relationship with us?"

Although the rock beast is only the IQ of the ten-year-old children, it is not very clear that some people are in the world, but it obviously feels the opposite Liu Yingjie to them is full of malicious, when they come from the city.

Running Liu Yingjie, roaring himself: "Hey !!" (rolling !!)

"God! It is World of Warcraft!"


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