After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1060 Master is coming 1

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! In the rain, it is full of irony, and even the eyes of the city are also contemptuous. In addition to her, other disciples next to him are also a little despised. They also found that there is no spiritual fluctuation on the city, it is a waste material.

"Girl, how much is you?"

"Just! Where is the spirit? Is it a waste material?"

Lu Ziyue brows wrinkled, some people who watched their few people, I want to stop them, but I haven't said that someone will first step.

Longfei figure flashed, appeared in front of those disciples, "Are you very proud?"

boom! boom!

Direct two times, the two disciples flew out immediately.

... The two are directly hung, so it is flying out of ten meters away.

Liu Yingjie looks at, anger to fly, "there is ...."

! ! It is also a fist waiting.

Liu Yingjie was covered again, shakes a few times, and finally fell to the ground, looking at Long Fei Night's face, some grief, can you change a place? Why always face your face!

Lu Ziyue was shocked, immediately on the first few steps, go to the front, "You, please also leave."

It should be used to see the dragon, the night is so mad, and there is a bit angry. "The purple moon sister! This person is not put in the eyes, even if you don't say it directly!"

... Two eye knives fly, Longfei night is cold and cold, watching her: "You should be fortunate, this beauty doesn't care, otherwise, you ...!" Tell, he Yangkou head I don't look at her, I will return to the city.

It should be a cold discourse that is a cold voice. I saw a few on the ground, I was afraid of being afraid ...

Several other stoods are indignation, "You do this, it is really too much!"

"Purple Moon! You are saying something!"

Lu Ziyue looked at Longfei Night, there was a little strange in his heart, this person's voice voice, where did you have heard it?

The doubtful thing to show the dragon flying night, the sister next to him shouted him and went to the heart.

Seriously: "You, they are really too much, but ..."

"What happened here?"

Sudden voice, interrupted Lu Ziyue, a few of the sound of this person, immediately excited! Even the sound of the sound, I saw a white robe old man with a face mask, and it was stepped.

"Old ancestors !!"

"It's a ancestor!"

Those disciples are inhibiting excitement on their faces, and they seem to have found it from the mountains, with a bottom gas.

"Old ancestors come! This is good!"


Looking at the city, they have become proud and confident.

The city saw the people, the nose was suddenly sour, and there was a little red in my eyes. It seems that it is too long to have not seen it ...

Longfei night was shocked, showing surprised appearance. Li Lu is in the middle of the light, and the mouth is slightly raised.

When I saw Yunyang, Lu Ziyue was very unexpected. When the face was on, even other disciples immediately followed her.

Yunyang is here, see so many people are here, angry is not very right, and the eyes swept a group of people, directly ignored the disciples of being hit, it seems to find anything, suddenly light, immediately go. .

... a group of people blocked his way, and respecting Yunyang and respects the front. "Disciple has seen the old ancestors!"


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