After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1065 Master is coming 6

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The two male disciples suddenly came out, even if they were so busy: "Xie Lao Zu Zong opened! Shen Jingji."

When the rain suddenly was anxious, since they let go of this? What about her?

I am busy: "I will ask you, I beg you, forgive me this time? I will never make such a mistake in the future!"

Liu Yingjie has also struggled to climb up, head towards the city, "from the sister ..."

The city immediately raised his hand, stop him from talking, "Okay! Don't talk. I don't want to hear what you said. You don't have to say it, you don't have to ask me, you will have such a result, pure is self-take."

When the rain suddenly panic, did you have this teacher? No, no ...

I said to the big brother: "Brother! Do you help me talk well? Ask you!"

I should read her glance in Wu Ming, and I watched the city and pleading the tone: "Can you open a teacher, can you open a small rain network? In fact, she is not like this. It is just a time to be confused today. Can you ask you? one time?"

"Sorry, a small thing can fully react a lot of questions, her performance, you also see. Do you think her behavior is a timely confusion? Don't say it, just like this!"

After the city is finished, turn around to go back to Yunyang, "Master! We change a place?"

Yunyang is now nodded, "Okay!"

A group of people, watching their a few have a laughter and walking on the other side, and the scene became quiet ...

Before Li Lu, he went deeply, and looked at the rain and He Yingjie, his mouth evoked.

The rain surface is like a dead ash, it is very unknone to look at the back of the city, why? This waste material woman not only cares like those men, but also the old ancestors' apprentice? I've been coming out of the teacher?

Lu Ziyue looked at Yunyang and the city, they walked like this, and they couldn't help but lose, but they quickly recovered, and the remaining humanitarian: "You go back with me now!"

There is a circular jade brand in your hand, and there are many other words, and immediately go forward.

Lu Ziyue shredded the jade card and suddenly had a few square aperture.

... A beam flashed, and a group of people disappeared instantly.

Longfei night has always been in the city with a surprise eye. In fact, he also heard that there is a very powerful local martial hero ... if there is no central government ... Just think of it, it will be the old ancestors of Lingzong! He is already surprised once again, completely scared.

"You are deep enough!"

After all, I looked at the breath of Yunyang, some didn't dare to look directly with him.

The faint smile, "" It's my master too high, all the deep. "

Yunyang is a bit proud: "That is! Master has always been a senior person!" Glade the Dragon Flying Night, and glanced over the dust.

Suddenly asked: "When do you leave?"


Longfei night thought it was wrong. "I ... we? Leave?" Why?

Li Lu is faintly said: "Don't worry, wait for you to return to Lingzong."

Yunyang pulled the city to the other side of his, separated from them, looked at Longfei Night, "What about you?"

Longfei night suddenly swayed, he didn't go! Immediately said: "I don't leave, I have to follow the city to go to Lingzong."

"Who allows you to follow? Is Spirit not to come casually?"

Yunyang took a look at the phantom of his arms, and glanced at the rock beasts that were taken by Xing Yi. "How do these two courages are so small?"


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