Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Such Yunyang, chase it is a big fell eyeglass, Xing Yi can be heard that Ling Zong's old ancestors can be the legendary god strong, not a general god level, rumor, not happy, people, And god ghosts, very few people appeared.

Today, I can't help but sigh ... The rumors are really untrustworthy ...

"Master, drink slowly, don't worry! No one grabs you."

After watching the wine, I started the big mouth of the Yunyang who got a big mouth to the mouth. It was a little worried. He would not be careful to get careful ...

Longfei night is watching the DC water, and the eyes are eager.

"Allure ... this ... can ..."

Accepting the hint from Longfei night, not waiting for her to talk, Yunyang south, straight: "What kind of wine is you drink? Those who are filialize! You go!"

I was glaring in Yunyang, Longfei Night is still not discouraged, smiled: "Don't this, old ancestors, the city brewed, your old man also drunk is not?"

The city reveals a smile, "Master, nothing, giving him an altar, anyway, there are many people here."

Longfei night laughed, immediately: "The old ancestors, you listen, the allure they have said, is it?"

Since all the city said, Yunyang is only difficult to have a big one, obliquely, "Well, one altar, one altar!"

The city smiled and shook his head, some helplessly, two altars in his hands, gave Longfei night, one altan to Li Lu.

"This is given to you, I know Gu Xianzun is also a good wine."

Li Lu rushed to the mouth, told it, "I thank you for your teacher."

The city laughed: "No, you are not good, give you juice!" There is a juice in his hand.

Yunyang was turned from the line, some did not becomes: "Oh! It's cheaper, the old guy!"

Longfei Night has no opinions, can't wait to open the wine to drink a bite, "Ah! It's a good wine, I have a lot of wine, I feel that the spirit has grown a lot, I really have to break through!"

Yunyang scored a variety of light, a flash disappeared, and the mask was thrown, the mask was slightly discreted: "Yes? Yes! The strength does have progress."

Longfei night is happy, "Although the disciples have not returned to the door for a long time, they have been very hard to practice."

Yunyang picked the eyebrows, the tone was light: "Is it? Then you have to play this year."


Longfei night is changing in the original place, immediately pretending to ask: "The ancestors? Out of the Plan? Disciples have nothing to play this year?"

When Li Lu is suddenly coming, the light is moving, and the corner of the mouth is rushing, and it seems to guess the intend to intend to Yunyang.

Listening to the city, only listening to Yunyang, I am not careful: "Is it? How long have you not participated in the trial? Is it forgotten?"

When Longfei night suddenly, I didn't want to reject it. "No, the disciples did not forget, but the disciples feel that this competition disciple does not have to participate, after all, our Zongmen is not so many elite? And not Is there a dusty? Have him a few in one. "

"There is no way to play." Yunyang said faintly, and the tone is arbitrary.

Longfei night is surprised, "No? Old ancestors jokened?"

Yunyang was obliquely, "Is the Laozi like a joke?"

Several people around the surroundings nodded, including the city ...


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