Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The purpose of the city in the swamp forest is also to find a chance to break through. She will break through the last barrier of Yuan Ying, breaking through this barrier will be different.

At the same time, some people started to calculate in the other side of the West Turnd.

The man's face is very pale, but she can't hide a face of handsome and delicious. It is only the cold light of the moment, "Master, the apprentice has found someone! This plan is absolutely feasible!" Can automatically lead the Fengcheng City! "

It's easy to see him in the cold sky, "Is it you said to find 'Feng Yiran'?"

Night wind is immediately nod, "Yes!"

"Well, do a good preparation, this time you don't want to be disappointed with the teacher."

The night wind hooks a confidence, "people have been transformed, and they have been professional training, even if she is infertile, but it is late!"

Easy cold touched the desktop: "Sometimes it can not be too confident, the last lasting is a lesson."

When it comes to the last thing, the night wind is more deeply deep, and it is immediately guaranteed: "Yes! Annual understands, I don't want to remember Master" "

"Well, in addition, you will go to the top five of the top five disciples. I will go to the main hall tomorrow. I haven't arrived at the consequences." Yi Han Tian said and went down, "Go Go!"

"Yes! Annual remained."

After the night wind came out, I took out the contact in the first time and sent a text from several people.

Also received a notice in Murongfei, Yunlong, also received a notice. After reading it, he received a temper in front of the people in front.

"You don't even have this thing! What is your use of this lady?"

Single knees were in front of several black masks, and they looked down: "When they are dead, they are a few people to arrive at the East Continent, and the phoenix city has evaporated. Even her family is moving overnight. Walking, the newly opened restaurant has also turned to turn over, no one knows to go. "

Murongfei Xue is about to go on the ground, and it is ... The good porcelain is directly smashed.

Those who calm down, don't say it.

"That kind of woman must have come to West Turndow! You give me the news of the monk as soon as possible! I don't hesitate to handle it."

"Yes! Belief to follow!"

"Go down!"

Hey, there is an empty in front of it, leaving only a full-scale straw.

Murongfei Xue suddenly sonned: "Feng Town! Don't think that you can't get you! Hey! I wanted to die, there is no energy!"

Suddenly, an emergency footsteps came out.

"Miss! Miss!" The pretty wind is running, seeing the slag of the same place, suddenly stunned, "Miss, what happened?"

"Nothing, it is too hot, accidentally slipped."

Pretty immediately cared: "Miss's hand is burn? Slave will give you a hot paste."

Murongfei Xue immediately shouted her, "No, there is nothing wrong. You just ran so anxious, what is big?"

When Pretty suddenly remembered, "Oh! Just anxious to forget." Immediately happy: "Miss, the slave has just seen the moon doctor in the government!"

Murong Fei Xue immediately shined, "What are you talking about? Where? Take me!"

Senior laughter, "Miss, you are anxious, people who don't know, I thought that Miss is a moon god doctor!"


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