Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The mood of the two people saw people is different. Murong's face reveals a pair of pets, "Snow comes?"

Moonlight is all over, but the face is a gentle smile.

Murong Fei Xue is nearly two people, first giving Murong's well-behaved, and smiled.

Murong is very happy, I have nodded, "I'm so good, the snow is true. You are in a hurry, but what is it?"

Murong Fei Xueqi replied: "Go back to Grandpa, Xueer is special to find the moon doctor."

Murong was a little unexpected, then laughed, said: "It turned out to be a moon doctor?" If you read it deeply, I looked at the moon white, I saw her, and then smiled: " Grandpa knows that your young people have something to say, the grandfather does not delay you, the snow saves the grandfather to send the moon doctor! "

Murong Fei Xue listened, and immediately rude, said: "Yes, Xueer understands."

He said, "The old general is polite, in fact, the late generations will go, how can I work?"

"No, moon doctor, Flying snow is just looking for you." Murongfei said immediately.

Since this, the monthly ink is unable to say that it is refused, showing gentle smile: "There is a lady of Lao Mu Dong."

Murong looked at the feelings they left, and the deep and intriguing, and I didn't know when I had a dark shadow. The voice was hoarsered, "the master," the master, the moon doctor, did not want to give you, he Talented to evil! "

Mu Rongqian's face revealed a laughter, casual way: "It doesn't matter, he doesn't help, as long as his Master Xuanyuan is willing to be."

I suddenly said, "Shadow, you said, why is Snow like this kid? Amazing guy who is too hard."

The person who has a dark corner will drive back: "Maybe it is a fate ... Miss Fei Xue is also very good, but that person has not found a lady is the best for him."

"Forget it, look at the situation! If it is Yun Yi, you will accept the snow, and you can make his father and son have a half-life, if you don't know the phase ... Then you can't say it."

Murong's humility has drawn a dark mood, and then alert: "How is the woman checked?"

The shadow immediately replied: "Go back to the master, the woman named Feng Town, has come to West Turndow, according to the status of the final investigation, she will go to Lingzong."

"Ling Zong?" Murong is full of accidents, thinking about a moment, "recently let people look at Lingzong, inform us that people inside, first find her first, then find ways to solve."

Then I sighed. "This is not to let the snow know, I am worried that she can't stand, if it is sinned, the spirit is not very good."

"Yes! It is understood!"

The moon ink is out of the main hall, and the two people go outside and the pretty next to the pretty followers.

On the side, I looked at the beauty next to it. He was calm and wondered. "

Murongfei Xue suddenly showed a bad meaning, busy, "ink, me ..."


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