Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! When several other disciples, their captains have first sleeved in Warcraft, they can't retreat, so another round of battle begins!

On the side of the Dragon Flying Night, I showed a satisfactory expression. "Well, this is like the performance of the disciples."

"Is it? You are very disappointing."

Suddenly came out of the ear, Longfei night turned to see, "What are you doing?"

Li Lufei hooks: "I have encountered a few groups, I have called my return to camp."

Longfei night is coming, and some skeptical: "How many groups have you encountered?"

"Four groups." Li Lu is faint, and the mouth has completed the sentence, "" The courage is too small, "did not hit it, and lost people."

After listening, Longfei night will be worried on the spot. "Those who die, Laozi go back to kill them! Nothing!"

Li Luqing light lips, looking forward, "this group has bone."

Longfei night immediately saw it, suddenly angered, his face showed satisfactory smile, "Not bad, good, these people have saved."

The battle in front has been reversed, and several people have struggled towards the beasts, even if someone is injured, the companion will be treated in the first time.

Meng Yue gave it to the harm of the beast from time to time, and the mammoth finally made a roar, unwilling, or she fell ... Hey!

As it falls, other disciples are also like false, and they are sitting in the mouth of the mouth.

"Cheng ... successful, call ... I have won!"

Everyone has some people who can't believe in what they see. Meng Yue faces a trace of exhaustion, but still smiles, "So, I will still see the victory!"

Longfei night full-language: "This woman is good, the mentality is stable, and it will not panic because of his powerful enemies."

Li Luqing looked at Meng Yue, showing a shade of accidents, and fleeting.

Longfei night touched him, "Hey? Why don't you talk?"

Li Lu is just talking, suddenly his face is dignified, "Go! She is dangerous!"

"What?" Longfei night suddenly exclaimed, he naturally knew that this 'she' didn't, and said, "Where?"

Li Luoy did not answer, with him directly disappeared.

Meng Yue looked around, "Strange, just clearly heard someone talking, how can no one around?"

"Meng Shi, what happened?" A man was taken with a removal crystal nucleus and came over.

"Nothing, the crystal nucleation is got? Then we will return to the camp, since the flag has been got, let's go!" Meng Yue didn't think more.

Everyone also helped each other, and there were a smile on her face. She had a disciple immediately: "To! We have to go, maybe we can take the first! Let's take it!"

Although a group is hurt, it is full of ambient.

There are very few people in the forest in the forest, and there is a life and death at this time.

The city is full of scars, all the wounds of large and small, are serious than the past injuries.

Run your hand, calmly wipe the blood marks of the mouth, cold look at the opposite "ugly" ....

Not long ago, when she was looking for other disciples, she also thought that there was a Warcraft to practice her hand, and the direction of this is suddenly moving, and she also heard someone called for help, thinking is a spiritual disciple.

Come over, the left-legged bike, and it is obviously the rest of the bones.


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