Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! At this way, even the disciples who have never been reached and returning to the place, they also feel strange.

Zhao Bao's group is already looking for three-sided flags, but he heard a direction is particularly large, than today, everyone is very surprised.

Then, I feel that all the aura runs there, it is even more strange!

"Captain? Do we want to see?"

"Zhao brother! Will there be a foreign treasure?" Zhu Xiaqi's eyes of the water spirit, some look forward to him.

Zhao Bao looked at the direction there, he didn't think it was a foreign treasure. This situation is like ... promotion!

Looking at the sky, I finally shook my head. "I don't recommend it. We are now assessment. Here is the inner, dangerous, if you have any accidents, you can't get it, you can still get it. The top three, don't lose big! "

Several disciples are somewhat disappointing, but Zhao Bao said that there is no mistake, so I have seen an eye, running towards the periphery.

But there are also some curiosity, don't be strong, and go to the side. However, there is no accident that is blocked outside the invisible barrier.

Just at the moment, the east continental swamp forest.

Wu Siyuan is immersed in happiness, looking at a tall, strength and powerful man, and a constant dagger is another World of Warcraft. The joy of the mouth is not hidden, thinking: even if this man is long, what? Available, power! Enough to her! Waiting for the use of finished and then throw away.

Suddenly, forgot the sorrow, just put the crystal nucleus, the face suddenly changed, and the chest is very painful, and it spurted a blood.

Reach your hand, this feeling is very sudden, it is very uncomfortable.

And the people next to looked at some inexplicable, clearly, and those Warcraft couldn't hurt him. How did you vomit?

Wusiyuan is a horror, what is going on?

I shouted when I was busy: "Forget the worry? How are you?"

Sun Jiajia was also scared, hurriedly ran over, care about: "Forgetting? Are you okay?"

Strictly asked immediately: "Nothing?"

Forgetting the worried, I didn't return them. At this moment, he not only feels painful, and there will be some pain. Some support can't be supported, and slowly fell to the ground, it seems fainting.

When a few people saw, it was scared, Sun Jiajia exclaimed him, swayed him: "Forget the worry? How are you?"

"How can this be? Just clearly, how can I vomit a blood? I won't be poisoned?" Strictly squatted down to the inspection.

Because forgetting is not over, if it is poisoned, it is possible to make people feel possible.

However, Wu Siyuan, who is working hard, but it is a step, and his face flashes a panic, and the light flashes.

Immediately: "Should it be? The Warcraft should also be poisonous, maybe he did what injuries before?"

Sun Jiajia nodded: "It is also possible that the cultivator has a dark injury and normal."

Wu Siyuan is also asked by the Song Ying said: "Song brother, can you trouble you? Forget the situation like this, can only go back to the camp, let the six elders look."

Song Yan looked at her, some wants to say, and finally I bordered it. In fact, he did not miss the look of Wusiyuan's face.

In the coma, I have a lot of pictures in my mind. Finally, I don't know where I have, I feel some familiarity, it seems that I have been here.


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