Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The four elders are angry when they are angry, "Ah !!!"

! ! ! The trees in the distance, the slag that is bombarded in the eye is not left.

When Lu Yan arrived, he saw such a scene. "Four years old, now not venting, cool!"

"Zone! This makes me calm? There are no more people in my disciple. Now I have been killed so much in the next seat. How do I calm down!"

Directors took out night pearls before everyone, on everyone's face, or both, and also explored all the bodies, God died.

"The main owner, the Yuan Ying is destroyed, the abdomen is died by the cave, and the other injuries have nothing, basically all the strokes."

After listening to the old saying, Lu Yan gods a bit colder, "murder is repaired by the king level ..."

Those disciples listened, some people immediately: "People who are not less than the king, then they will not be the month."

"However, you said that this is nothing to do with her? After all, is it dead here?"

Moi looks together, they know the strength of the city, even if the city does not break through the king-level, they can also kill these people, but ... he never believes that she has killed the disciples, if it is her If you kill, as long as one may be, these people will die!

The stranger and Lu Ziyan stranger, and it was also available in front. At that time, several of them were only looking for a city. After diligent, they were "troubled by Yunyang, and later Too low, no matter whether they are willing to be unwilling, directly closing the cultivation tower of Zongmen, did not arrive in the last day, the door of the cultivation room will not be opened automatically.

Therefore, they still don't know, this will be nearly one month, what is the attitude towards the city? After the customs change, I still have to find the city, I heard that Luo Yunfeng has been killed, so some people come to see the lively.

Li Mala hit one person and asked, she didn't know that in the past few days, Yunyang was not in the paramen. They were scared when they were suddenly scared, and they worried that there was an accident in the city, but they heard someone destroyed the city, and there was The scene just now.

At this moment, I have been angry with the four elders, listening to the surrounding disciples, I was reminded, "Yes! It! It is definitely her to revenge me! Kill my disciple!"

Lu Yan Shen Sheng said: "Four years old, this is not chartered! I really didn't catch it before, I can't guess."

The three elders immediately: "The old four! There is no evidence, not to say. It is said that the month is not repaired, how to kill? This is still a trick! The strength is much stronger than Zhao Tian!"

Directors have drawn a variety of color, suddenly look at Lu Yan, "Zongwen ..." he already knows that the month can not only cultivate, but it is also very high. But his heart is not believed, this is her dry. However, at least let the month prove that our innocence, after all, when she wait until the competition, she will show out that it will be suspected of being suspected.

Lu Yan knows what he wants to say, raise his hand, "Don't say it, it can't be her dry."

When the four elders were sudden, "if it is not her, who can be so unscrupulous in the Zongmen murder? Or is it in Luo Yunfeng?" He thought that the more you want to leave the month, it is likely to hide Repair! Is so!

"Four elders, talk with evidence, you have contaminated a disciple, and there is also an old image." Monu is suddenly coming out of a step.

Four long and old, he took a look, and he said: "Where is you running out? Do you dare to talk to my old man?"


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