Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Several important people in the spirit of all the people have finally come out, but when you look at these people, I feel weird ...

After the old age, several of them were walking behind Lu Yan, but they received many eyes, but they had different calm and calm, and their few people were somewhat unnatural. They looked like a little bit.

Several all of them have changed in the usual vegetarian jacket, replaced with the satin brocade, and still the color, and a few people look at the light color photos, which seems to be particularly spiritual. The person suddenly replaced the gorgeous dress, and it did not adapt it well. Moreover, or a row of old man ...

Lu Yan is self-invisible. It is still a little delicious before going out to go out. After all, he was shouted in the old man in Longfei yesterday, and he was a blow. Today's Lu Yan, the real age has long been more than three hundred years old, but the appearance is still maintained at around 40 people.

The old man said: "The main owner, why do we have to wear this?"

Lu Yan smiled: "Isn't it good? This is very good."

"But ..., we are old, so don't be too suitable?" The two elders behind the back, the words are not agreeable. "

Lu Yan will say: "There is still important things today, unwaped grand points, how can I reflect?"

Surprised at the following days, is there important things? Isn't it a simple qualifying?

Lu Yan is just a smile, no longer saying, just when he is a seat, just sitting next to the outer door, Lu Yan footstep.

Ten outer doorsually immediately stood up, respectfully, "met the main owner."

Lu Yan faintly swepted them a villain, told him down: "Well, take it!"

"Yes!" Ten elders sat down one after another.

Lu Yan is walking, while you ask the old age, "" Director is old to see several elders of the outside? "

I don't know why he suddenly asked this sentence, just as real as it: "It is still understood."

Also said: "It is a lot of years to stay in Lingzong. The long-elder of the outside is actually very good and strength."

Lu Yan faintly hooked lips, "Yes?"

The old man is old with other several, listening to this, don't know how, I feel weird.

Before the seat, Lu Yan stopped and saw, "The three positions in the middle are left, you still have the same as before, on both sides."

The back of the back is not solved, and several of them have paid a look, so they asked by the big elders: "The main owner, but also is still coming?"

Lu Yan is headed down, "Well, yes, you are sitting first."

After they have a few sitting, the people who have been paying attention to the scenes of each of them, looked at the position of the middle space, and suddenly did not understand.

"How to get out of the middle of the primary and old age?"

"Is there anyone?"

"I don't know, but I didn't see the unintentional brother? Isn't he come back? Yesterday?"

Everyone has begun to discuss, but at this time they are in the martial art. The owner of the space discussed, at this time.

The city is surprised to look at the people in front of it, "" Master? How can you come together with thousands? "

Thousands of horses are also surprised. I didn't expect that after the emperor of their gods, after reborn, they would meet him in this case.



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