After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1230 Forgot to worry VS Night Wind 3

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! This sword came out, people around them couldn't help but exclaim.

"Fengling Sword?"

"How will it be forgotten?"

After the cold days, I wandered a position of the position, and after recovery of calm look, I went to a bottle of Su Bai: "The ancestors are really generous, even this artifact is willing to forget."

Su Bai smiled faintly, "I forgot the worry can be the treasure of this seat, naturally give him the best."

The people who look at the empty days, the face is still maintained, but the look is very dark.

The surrounding elders listened, suddenly understand Su Bai will forget the worry is incapacitated, and even artifacts can give them casual.

Several elders are in mind, and they have more admirings, but also more ideas for forgetting worries.

The five elders look for someone, there are some smiles in the eye, and even vaguely visible, with a good idea.

Some people in the audience, can't help but embrace.

The night wind face is also shocked, and the psychology is in the next second. At the same time, more struggle to sword!

! The two powerful power is hit, the night wind is slightly changed, and the heart is a bloody.

Forgetting worry, the wrist is turned, the long sword waved again, "shocking!"

boom! Since Fengling Sword, a powerful spiritual power is made, and the two colors of gold and silver look good, but gives people great oppression.

The night wind is surprised. At the same time, the mind is sharp, and it is struggling to force the worry!



After the powerful attack power, he fell a person in the air, and the heavy smashing on the ground, the fire sea on the ring has been withdrawn, but the floor is still hot as a fire.


In an instant, there was a burst of swig in the battlefield, and this voice also made a significant pain.

Forgetting worried, it's so calm, but it's just that it is standing on the platform, and the tone is faint: "Is there so hot?"

The night wind struggles struggled, and the mouth spilled out of a blood. He was hit by a blow, directly hit it on the ground. There is no presupping for any defense.

Those disciples are also incredible. "I didn't think that the night brother didn't live? So, what is it forgotten?"

"Who knows, you don't look at the artifact of people."

On the ring, the night wind angry is awkward, cold sway: "Hey! What is the ability to use the artifact!"

Forgot to smile, smile: "My Master sent me, I used to use it, why not? If you don't, let you give you a artifact to make it?"

I heard this, the night wind is just one, if he is, I am afraid it will not give him!

The ice arrow in the hand is gripped, and the face is dark, "" How long have you been proud! "The spiritual power has once again burst.

Down to keep your worries, the silver ice blade is hitter.

Forgot to fight against defense, there is a defense barrier in an instant, and will block it. In the barrier, he will not be busy with the Feng Sword, and the hand is empty again.

Boom ... The surroundings of the night wind, instantly appear countless ice cones, while the ground starts to vibrate, people are not stable.

When the night wind is jumped, I will fly over the sky, I forgot to waving. "Shot."

It is as follows in the rain, and the countless ice cone is flying, and the goal is all the night wind.

The night wind is quickly swinging to the sword, while the defense is also opened.

Forgot to worry about it, the next second disappears appeared on him, "Do you need me to help you?"


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