After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1300, what do you say?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Li Heng does not look like, since it has already set an isolated barrier, it is even more incomprehensible.

The expression said seriously: "The apprentice has this idea, why are people like Lu Yan? The old ancestors have anything about it, and Xianzong will climb to the head of Lingzong. Today, Even the people died in the door, there were no news, and I didn't see any action to make a job, and I felt that he did not match the main owner. "

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Sixth old face is more dark.

Li Heng immediately replied: "Of course, I know what I am talking about, because I know, I have to say it. The apprentice is brought back to the major, you just like my father, I don't want you to listen to people forever. And the apprentices also hope that one day can marry the purple moon! As long as Master is a master, there is nothing wrong. "

Looking at the more exciting Li Heng, the six elders directly raised his hand, and Li Heng's eyes were full of stubborn, and there was no shortcomings.

... a wind that brought it, pounced in the face of full. However, the slap did not fall.

The six elders sigh, shake the head, "Forget it, I don't want you to be a teacher."

Li Heng listened to something that didn't understand this, and later looked at the six elders, "Master?"

The six old faces are no longer blank, and they are floating, "You don't have to let go of the teacher, yes."

"Master? You mean this means ..." Xi Heng seems to be something, but it is not very certain.

The six elders open again: "You don't have to doubt, it is what you think."

When Li Hengtun was surprised, he was busy: "Master, what have you had this idea? But how did you oppose it?"

Liu Longs suddenly laughed, "If you don't try to look at you, how do you determine for the teacher, your true thoughts?"

There is also a smile on the face, and immediately replied: "So, Master has planned? How can the Master will do? What can I help?"

For this idea, he has this idea, but he is a bit surprised, but it is completely broken, and he can't help but happiness. If his master is successful, he is also different, and the Lu Ziyue is also urgent. Easy too much.

The six elders are not anxious to say, but ask him: "What do you think about this murder?"

I said, I took out a pot of tea and fell out, and the fine product was fine. "Well ... this is really good tea. Sure enough, there is a little good thing."

Li Hengsi Sisso, suddenly thinking, "Master ... those people ... should not be you ..."

Sixth elderly put down the tea cup, laugh, "What do you say?"

"Is it really you?" Li Hengtun was shocked, but he couldn't believe it.

Early, I thought about his reaction. The six elders' face suddenly retired, and it was a face of a face.

"What's wrong? Are you scared now?"

Xeheng saw the master of such a look, the heart is still a sudden, and he didn't think that his Master had such a side.

"Master ... you ..."

"Haha! Look at you, your courage is so small, talk about Master?" The six elders turned into a face again, as if the one just didn't him.

Li Heng face can not help but have a smooth, easy to express, "Master! You can rest assured! Ansuals are just a bit surprised, there is no reaction, will not come, the disciples will help Master sitting on the master!"


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