Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Longfei night's mouth is smile, watching the bundled people, slightly more casual: "How? There is no other person here, no one monitors you, talk about it! Who tells you?"

The man suddenly looked at him immediately, and immediately responded, replied: "No ... no heart brother? I don't understand what you are saying ... Do you make a mistake?"

"Don't you understand? Don't you understand or don't understand?"

Longfei night said that the chain in his hand also touched a few times, listened to the sound, and the eyelids of the other side were jumped, and the heart thought: Is this not really true?

I asked quickly to try: "Unintentional brothers, you ... what are you doing?"

This speech is a shaking, and the Longfei night has a smile. The sound is brisk. "You are scared? What are you afraid? Since no one tells you, then you are purely It is rumored that it should naturally be punished, even if I don't fine you, you go to the Criminal Hall. "

When Longfei night speaking, the deliberate speed is slow, step by step, and the sound of the chain is even more loud. Donned, the mouth hooked the smile: "Somet, we will be a brother from our brothers, let you long."

When the man saw him approach, he couldn't move. I didn't know what was tied. I immediately shouted: "I beg my brothers! I really don't deliberately, I just listen to people, he let I do this, I don't know who is the person! "

I glanced at him, looked loudly, "" What you mean is, someone is looking for you, let you spread? "

The man immediately nodded, "Yes! Yes, I just listened to him, he gave me a Chinese product stone."

"When will you find you?"

"It is the time before."

Moon Moon White and Long Fei Night at the same time, suddenly some accidents, looked at men, immediately asked: "Do you remember what the other party looks? The body is tall and fat, can you remember?"

The man immediately recalled, and she was busy and said: "The body model is a medium-sized body, I feel a little blurred, the other party seems to be deliberately unrecognizable, the face is also covered, but it looks like a young man."

young people?

Longfei night looked at him, then said: "What is your name? Which peak disciple?"

"My name is Haoqi, is a disciple of Ling Xiufeng."

Moonlight and white light eyebrows, "The identity token is taken out."

Hao Qi immediately said: "Really, I didn't lie to the brother, to order the clothes in my chest."

Longfei night's mouth reveals a dislike, walk, reach out and touch, touch a copper brand, there is a 'show' word behind.

"Well, it is Ling Xiufeng."

"Two brothers? Can you let me go now?" Hao Qi was afraid to see the nightlong flying night, especially worried that he would not have a chain.

Longfei night looked at the month, "put it?"

The month and ink said faintly: "Well, let's let it!"

After the stone in Haoqi's heart, the monthly ink is supposed to make a sentence. "But, still have to grow up, otherwise, I will dare to hear himself in the future, it is not good."

"Teacher! I don't dare to ..."

... ...

"Ah !! Help! Help! Ah !!"


Longfei night looked at the moon, whitening, "only to play a few, fainted? How do this person usually cultivate? Isn't that hit?"


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