After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1324, there is no mother from childhood

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yunyang looked at it, lightly, "Free Gifts."

I saw it in the city, but it was some accident. "Is you?"

Chen Qing has a little embarrassing laugh, "Miss Miss, remembers a few."

Pointing in the city, "Well, you are kept well! Let's go first."

Several people respectfully said: "Yes! Old ancestors, Miss Miss, slowly."

Going to the main peak, I met a lot of disciples, all of them said with them, and whose son is also curious to follow the son behind them?

"I have seen the old ancestors, the sister from the sister."

"I have seen the old ancestors, the sister from the sister."

Seeing people walking away, those disciples can't help but curious, "Who is the white grouper? It's so good!"

"Well! I am also the first time I have seen such a beautiful and exquisite son. Who did you think he is?"

"I remembered, is he seen in Luo Yunfeng's mandarin in Luo Yunfeng in Luo Yunfeng? Yes, he also tied to the master!"

Suddenly there is a woman's regret, "It's a pity! So handsome and dusty son actually just a class? Look at this temperament, I thought it was a big family of the family!"

Some men's disciples suddenly laughed, "How do you say you? People are as follows, and it is also the follow-up of Ling Zong's old ancestors. It can be more useful than some grandeen's young master! If you can, I also want to be a sister. Class! "

"Just! I also want to be!" Someone is attached.

When I arrived at the main peak, I was very clever, just met Lu Ziyue, and the other party also had some accidents to meet them here.

I was busy with the road: "I met the old ancestors."

Yunyang looked at her, looked with his hand, "freely."

Lu Ziyue nodded and nodded and said: "Is it to talk to his father with the old ancestors today?"

The city nodded smile, "Master said that I am not very familiar with Lingzong, I want to take me out to turn."

Yunyang also nodded immediately. "Yes, the child is bored, this seat will take her out."

When the city, the forehead took out the black line, and he glanced at Yunyangzi. Master, do you always say this?

The moon is basically the same idea.

Lu Ziyue looked at the city, but he said: "The ancestor is really painful to leave the teacher, and the purple moon is also envious."

Yunyang has a little emotion: "There is no pair of love from childhood, only this hurt, naturally, it is necessary to use it."

The squat is slightly smoked, and I am busy opening. "Master is really very heartless, and I am a big master!" If you don't open, wait for a baby to have a parents and doubles! "

Lu Ziyue showed pity, looked at the city: "I didn't expect to be so distressed that the personality of the teacher is so distressed. If you have a place where you need me to help, you can come to me at any time."

There are some faces in the city, but fortunately, it is very busy with the mask, and I am busy nod, "I am a lot of thanks to the purple moon."

Yunyang took a certain cough and said: "This seat will take the children to find Lu Yan, this seat is just something to find him, leave, let's go!"

The city immediately replied: "Yes, Master!"

Lu Ziyue also respectfully, "the old ancestors slowly."

Look and they leave, Lu Ziyue can't help but reveal, "I can have such a sadmore, I am so good."


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