After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1333, you want to go to Mo

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Just just came out of a distance, Longfei night saw around, this road is just no one. I immediately started to say: "Xiao, you really want to help me! That day the dragon's reality is old, specially looking for my Master, let him advise me to go back into a child, let him say this is what? God! Let I am married to me, it is better to kill me! "

When Moon Ink Whiteton, I was happy. "Actually, it's okay? Your cousin wants to marry you, I will definitely be loyal to you, how good? Don't worry about her red apricot, you don't like it again Xiaoyu is back. "

The moon is also nodded, "" Anyway, you are so heartless, often visit the younger building, a few are normal. "

Longfei night cold eyes are oblikely to him, "Are you surprised to laugh? Is it? Don't help, even if you don't help!"

The city can't help but laugh: "Why do you have to be so tangled now? Is this not yet? Can I still have a room?"

"Just!" I also said: "I told, listen to Qingmu said that your cousin seems very not simple, I see, if she is a wicked person, maybe you can't marry. Just, she Not good, not suitable for your mother's mother. "

Longfei night eyes suddenly bright, "Hey! Yes! This is a good way!"

The moonlight is light. "That is also what you have done. Now she is still in the picture?"

When you are dating, you will be divided into the strange. "How far is the spirit from Mo Jia?"

"Two hundred and eighty miles." Longfei night looked in the city, can't help but sober, "What happened? Do you want to go to Mo?"

The completion of the city, "No, it is a person who I sent to Mo Yanxin. I haven't had a message to pass on the third day ..."

Longfei night is not very sure to look at the city, asked: "Night love has not sent it back?"

Pointing in the city, "To! His cultivation is already the sixth floor of the king, and it is still specially attacked the hidden skills. According to the distance from Mojia, it is enough for him."

Moon Moon Yanye took a while, immediately: "This, I let me secretly send people to find out, the fastest will pass back the news tonight."

The city nodded, "Okay."

Longfei Night Light Language: "Mojia's guards are the strength of the king-level first-order to the middle-level strength, but I am a holy level of the grandfather. It should be so easy to find?"

The city slowly replied: "I hope he is nothing, if there is something, and there is a relationship with Mo, I want ... I need to go to Mo."

Others can listen to the city's tone, and know that she attaches great importance to themselves.

Longfei night immediately nodded, "Let's wait for news, if you really do something, I will accompany you to Mojia!"

"I also accompany you." Moon Mo Chen also immediately said.

This will just get to the main peak of Lingzong, so that they are not unexpected, there is a group of people.

Longfei night is overcast, "What day is today? How is so many people here?"

Moonlight is also a little strange, usually here is very quiet, after all, here is the main peak, and it is not far from the place where the host's live, the general disciples will not come.

The city's eyebrow mouth is slightly hooked, "It's really '' ..."

Xiao Yan looks at the front, and then the small voice: "The master is the man!"


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