Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Moon Moon Taoism: "Okay, this is no problem." That took out the contact, and sent a text out after startup.

After a while, I came back to two words, "Followed."

Longfei night is very curious, "What is this Luo family? Is it important?"

The city nodded, "" Related to the destroying case of the Blue Snow, and the young master in Luo Shang, is the fiance of Blue Snow. "

The man presents suddenly surprised, the moon is also very surprised, I immediately asked: "The owner, the fiance of Blue Snow should be the main point behind it?"

"I don't know, I am only guessing, everything will be known, I will know."

The city wants to investigate the reasons for Luo Family, on the one hand, because of the blue snow, there is also a missing stone stone, the colored stone collected in her hands is only half of the sufficient of God, and The remaining pieces must be found quickly.

There is still something, and the city immediately asked: "The long and elder soul of the inner and outer door of Lingzong is the main owner."

Longfei night immediately replied: "Yes, the elderly soul jade is specially placed in a secret room, and the secret room is only my Master can open."

"Determine that only Lu Zong is open?"

Moon Moon Bai Hima suddenly heard it, even quickly asked her: "Is there any problem?"

The city is slightly lighter. "In fact, I still have a guess, but just assume."

"Xiaoji, you shouldn't you want to say, have you elderly die?" Longfei night did not believe in asking, he is unobsive.

The city replied: "I also hope that my guess is wrong, but there are everything in all things."

Yue Yanyin can't help but eyebrows. If she guess, she has long been dead, the soul jade is automatically destroyed, but there is no less, and the main owner of the head of the ethnic soul, no abnormality, or That is to say, some people can open the secret room while doing hands on the soul jade.

If you are so two words, then the existence of the other party is definitely a threat!

"Small, you are guess, these elders have false old?" Moon White asked directly.

Longfei night suddenly was shocked, "No? This may be difficult to do. If you really have, then this person is terrible than the inner ghost!"

The game is dignified, slowly said: "If you are a general person, it is quite difficult ... But someone can do it." The man is naturally Ouyang Mo.

"Who? Some people you said are easy to cold?" Longfei night felt like this, then there are many eyewells he sent in Lingzong?

The city is slightly shaken, "No, Yi Han Tian is just doing things for others, and now I don't know you, you will know."

What she guess is that Ouyang ink people will also find that the spirit is created by his Master. I want to do what to do, but I can insert people in the intercourse. Moreover, your master is not a matter of doing a truth.

After the moon, the moon is thinking, I immediately said: "It is necessary to let Master check the soul of the old man!"

The city nodded. "This is not convenient for me. You can find an explore the main owner, remember to hide, just let me go back to Luoyong, there is news to inform me."

The two immediately nod, "Good!"

Waiting for the city with the moon, Longfei night face is hesitant, "How do I think it seems to have something to say?"

The month is white and glanced, and the hook is: "Do you really want the small ly?"


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