Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! In the middle of the city, "Then, the name of Meng Yue is also given by the two elders. This is written here, and the two elders are not in the unintentional, I don't know if I have said, he said. How did it encounter? "

There is no more information on the scroll, the other written her physique is double attribute, fire and wood, and repaired has reached the seven layers of Yuan Ying.

Lu Yan recalled it for a while, and then said: "The Elder is the time to do things, and a fainted little girl encountered back on the way is Meng Yue."

"Who is there at the time?"

"There are still several disciples."

The completion of the city is slightly smashed, "Does the second elders will go out?"

"This will not." Lu Yan replied again.

Moon Moon White and Dragonfly night did not understand, why are she called Mengyue's girl?

"Small, is this person special?" Longfei asked.

The city is smiling, "No, just look at the eye, so I want to know."

Amount ... The three of them suddenly slammed, this is also good?

The city asked again: "Is there a scar left behind Meng Yue?"

Lu Yan is a bit weird to look at the city. "I don't know this, the treatment is three elders, he didn't mention it, but he said too much blood."

Longfei night suddenly said: "Master! Excessive blood loss is naturally a wound will bleed, unless it is internal injury vomiting!"

Lu Yan immediately glanced at him, "This is also to say! Of course you know!"

"No heart, can you see the lotus tire of Mo Yan Xinqi?" The city asked Longfei night.

Longfei night couldn't help but laugh again. "How can I have seen this? I have seen it in my aunt."

Moon White looked at the city and some uncertainties: "Xiaoying, you ... should not be suspected, what is Meng Yue talking to Mo Yanxin?"

This is not only Long Fei Night, even Lu Yan is surprised with Yunyang, Longfei Night can't believe, "Xiaoyuan? How can they contact a piece?"

In the corner of the game, she didn't think of it. However, since Mo Yan is appearing, she remembered that person, asked her Master, this is what she will boldly guess the reason.

Yunyang also guess it, asked her: "Xiaoyi, can you be suspicious of Meng Yue?"

The city is okay, and look at Longfei Night: "I am very heart, when is your cousin missing, is it when it is missing?"

Longfei Night thinking down, "It seems to remember it is June! At that time, it was the weather to start hot."

In the city, I looked at the Dragonfly Night. "The time described above, Meng Yue was brought back, then the positive value in July.

Moon White has some doubts: "There is not much difference this time, but this lotus tire should not be fake, and then there is a lot of things in this world."

The city nodded, "I know, so I need to confirm that Meng Yue's post-neck is not scarred, and the birthmark of Mo Yanxin is strange."

Longfei asked in the night: "How is this determination?"

Lu Yan immediately said: "This is simple, ask the three elders to know." Taking out the contact to send text to the three elders.

At this time, everyone in the house stared at the contact in his hand.

Drip ...

Lu Yan immediately launched the contact, after reading, the face was suddenly disappointed, "no ..."

"Nothing?" When the city frowned, I asked again: "I will ask again, can she have other wounds?"


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