After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1348, will you recognize?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Lu Yan nodded, "I have seen it, the soul jade is no problem."

Yunyang was surprised, "" Soul Yuxi problem? "

Lu Yan is busy, "" Back to the old ancestors, the soul jade is nothing, but if someone is suspicious, some people will pretend to be old, so they will move the soul, but the disciples have been checked, "there is no problem with the soul jade."

Yunyang nodded, "Well, no problem is good."

The city immediately thought, "Okay, tomorrow is still active as planned, let's take this way!"

Yunyang stands up immediately, the first thing to do is, hurry!

"You have three people, you can go! I am going to rest."

Lu Yanyu quickly coughed, "Let's go, then we will go first, old ancestors, disciples first warned."

Moon Moon White and Long Fei Night were also immediately greeted, "disciples warned." The two did not wink in the city.

"Go away!" Yunyang once again waved.

The city smile nodded, "three slows."

When they left, Yunyang looked at the city, and then asked: "Leather, are you, or suspect that Meng Yue is possible to interchange with Mo Yanxin?"

The city immediately nodded, "Yes."

Yunyang sighed, "During the dust, he is in order to make it easy to find someone, only in her soul, the lotus is also branded, every birthplace will appear in the form of a baby, if you want to determine Mo Yan Xin, I can only wait for her to die ... "

The city does not know why, I always feel that this sentence comes out from her Master, let her laugh very ...

Suddenly, I can't laugh: "Master! This is not used, and the disciples have some way to confirm."

Yunyang is eyebrows, "If Mo Yan Xin is? Will you recognize?"

"No, if she is such a, the apprentice will not recognize, even if her soul is, it is not the same." The city did not hesitate to shake her head, after all, the dream of last generation has been pitted. She is marble. "

When Yunyang didn't pay attention, the corner hooks, and quickly returned to serious, and slammed her shoulders. "Well, I hope you can say it, I don't want you to use it. Some things are enough to suffer once, eat twice, that is really stupid. "

The city looked at Yunyang, some were saying no words: "Master, are you not ready to go back?"

Yunyang put his hand: "No, it's still so early, Master still doesn't want to go back, I am afraid that you are bored, so stay with you chat."

Allure: "..." When you just rushed, it was not this!

Sad sigh, "Master, what are you in the dark?"

Yunyang immediately shook his head. "No, the forces traveled for the teacher in the Star Mainland, but also specially cultivated for you, the secret intelligence organization of Lingzong only held a host order, even as a teacher Can't. "

"Leave, what do you want to do? Do you want, you directly pick it up?"

When the corner of the mouth is unnatural, it will be busy: "Don't, there is no ability to do it, and the Lu Zong is very good. Apprentices just want to give trouble to the cold day, in fact, there is fine, I let the ink let me help. "

Yunyang's eyebrows, "He? ?"

In the city, it was surprised. "" Ink White is also a temple? "She thought that he just let the night shadow of them help.

Yunyang was toned, oh, how can I say a lot! It's a stinking little child!

I am busy being positive, "Well, ink is chatting with the temple, looking for him to help."

The city is not very strange, the dark cabinet is the temple, the temple is Yun Yuyi, the relationship with him with the month, even if it is a person who is the temple, it is not surprising.


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