Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Sixth old body is a black brocade robes, but there is no surprise, and there is also a golden hook, embroidered gold line pattern, but it is very good.

I heard the four elders and greeted, immediately walked over, then, looked at the old and old, one piece of pure white brocade robe, the same also embroidered gold line pattern, carefully, the two clothes style is still a pair , One left halt, one right inclined half.

At first glance, this clothes material is bright, the pattern is also conspicuous, and it can be seen alone, but after the two stops together, it will instantly change to a combination.

Three elders have more than four elders, there are several other, suddenly see, four elders directly: "Hey! Is this not black and white?"

Suddenly there are no other people who have lived, laughing, a lot of pump, the old veteran, seeing each other, immediately pulls the distance.

The disciples under the stage also saw it, and suddenly began to discuss, and some people didn't know what to say, but their faces were laughed.

Others have blue. There is also purple, and wear orange yellow, all of the elders are unlikely.

The second elders can't help but complain: "What day is today? Why do we wear this?"

When the four elders, "Who knows? My purple, completely with my temperament! Can you wear such a vulgar color?"

"Is it? Is this color vulgar?"

I have passed the voice of Lu Yan, it's not cold, but it is a bit.

The four elders are busy, and the smile is looking like a look, suddenly caught.

Others are also stunned, how did their primary changed today?

The three long old mouth is slightly smoked, "Zone, are you not that day?" This body is gold, how to see how to be a civilian businessman ...

Other elders are all the same as he think of him, but no one is saying.

On the other side, the outer door standing is old, all of which look at them.

The martial arts is a little unnatural, and the outside door is always old. "What happened to what today?"

Another one is full of people, I'm trying to say: "It's so strange, one is dressed in this bright, wait until now?"

The disciples under the stage think so, Lu Ziyan follows Lu Ziyue, simply can't bear to see yourself ...

Lu Ziyan has some embarrassment: "Sister, you see, is today not eating miscarriage?"

Lu Ziyue looked at her and wrote: "How do you talk? Father should ... should be a good mood?" In fact, she can't find any reason.

"Amount ... Is it? How do I watch it is like a misfortune?" Lu Ziyan's mouth, it feels beautiful.

Mo Wei and the two brothers in Mo Yu, the most normal, the outside door is old, the door of the door, the old door, the main, all are not normal!

Mr. I looked around, looking for a person's figure, "How did Xiaoying have not come?"

Monui looked at it, then replied: "The old ancestors did not arrived? Perhaps with him, maybe she doesn't have to come?"

Lu Ziyi immediately said: "It seems that ink and white brothers are not there?"

"However, what is it today? Let us suddenly come to the collection? Sister, do you know?"

Lu Ziyue shook his head, "I don't know, I am notified today."

Someone shouted: "Old ancestors come! You see!"

"Wow! What happened today? Is it so bright one by one?"


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