Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The disciple under the stage, and many people have also got the spirit in their hands, and they also sit on the ground and look at the stage. They are far away, and they can't hear what they say before, and now I look at their stationers. Some strange.

If you are close, you have heard it, your face is a stunned expression, even the spirit is taken in your hand, I have forgotten to eat.

At this time, the old man exposed a firm, walked toward the standing position of the representative of the right, three long and old, and finally be determined to follow the right side.

Yunyang is headed down, "Well, 20 people, eight to 12, the right side is more agreement."

The city also came out, the right hand palm opened, there was a Dan medicine bottle. For a time, everyone's eyes were concentrated in her hand.

"This is the top eight promotion Dan, the grade is the best." Said to open the Dan medicine bottle, poured an out, went to the two rows of old winners, showing them.

The senior people can't help but marvel, "It's really the best!"

The people who heard were stunned. The eight levels were the most important promotion of the holy level. After taking it, they can directly promote one floor, the best, maybe two layers are possible!

Lu Yan's eyes show a hint pain, "Five Eight-level Need for Jinheng Dan? Waste waste, too waste!"

Longfei night laughs, "old man, what are you? This is just a matter of giving some material, what do you feel hurt?"

"Head boy! You call you again ... What do you just say? What is the material? You don't know how difficult it is difficult to refine? Just the three-year-old, the alchemy refining eight-level medicinal medicine, the success rate is only a hundred Eighty, it is not necessarily topped, now this is five best! "Lu Yan said that he was distressed.

Moonlight looked at him, showing a smile on his face, their Master didn't seem to listen to it? However, he didn't plan to remind it.

I saw that the city has already taken the second type. After opening, "this is the nine-level recovery Dan. The effect can be instantly changing the serious internal injuries, which is equivalent to a life. It is also the best."

The city is holding Dan medicine through them, deliberately gives them a detailed look, while not moving, pay attention to their expression changes.

The three elders are very bright, very surprised: "Will this Dan? Can you give the old husband to see two eyes?"

The city stopped, seeing his eyes and sticking to the medicine, suddenly wanted: "Three elders, light seeing can't see how to refine, the best way is to work hard, then get a back the study."

Three elders have reacted, there is no nod, "" right! I want to win! Haha! I want to win! "

"You have to win a fart! Don't let the medicinal medicine?" Yunyang saw him.

The three long scared hands shake, Dan medicine suddenly slipped, and it was necessary to drop the ground, and the surrounding elders were shout: "Yea!" Excerpt forget the reaction.

Lu Yan is also a big call: "Dan medicine!" Just wanted to go through the past, but his hand was taken by Longfei night.

The disciples under the stage shook at the same time: "Ah !!"

But at this time, the six elders of the next side are unexpected, and they will catch it in time!

Three elders, "call! Scared to death! Fortunately, the old six-hand is fast, otherwise, the medicine is scrapped."

Other elders are also loose.

This medicinal medicine will come into contact with the ground, it will spread, scrapped directly, which is the reason why they are nervous.

Liu Long is also a fortunate color, can't hold complaint: "Old three! You are too unhappy! This is a scrapped, you come to pay?"


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