Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Mu Yu can't help but laugh, "Junny? Have you seen this joke? Accurately, have you seen her joking?"

Mo is immediately depressed ... "That ... what do you do? How will she be punished?"

"Sister! What to do? How to do? Going big event! Will be punished from the month!" Lu Ziyu was so embarrassed her sister.

Lu Ziyue looked at the lowering city on the stage, and it was not difficult to show it. "This ... I don't know, she is not intentional, there is an old ancestor, should not be punished ...... "

"But ... but, oh ... After all, it is a 10th level of broken dean, still five, you can buy a few cities." Lu Ziyu is so depressed, and he is so urgent.

They are not far behind them, and the mouth is really satisfied with a smile.

On the other side, there is a smile, and there is a privilege, "Hey, let you show! You also have a heel!"

People who have a good sense of the city are worried about her, but there are people who are caught by her. Now they are waiting to be optimistic about the attitude of a smoky.

"You said, is it planted this time?"

"Who knows? , look at her talent is very good, the repair is not low, even the medicinal medicine is unstable? Will it be stumbled by his skirt?"

Some disciples feel that the city is tripped by their own skirt. At this moment, there is a bit blame for himself.

"Don't say so, people have lost horses and lost!"

"Hey! I think there is a good show!"

Feng Yi Ren is calmly sitting, looks at the stage, Wu Jing and Yang Hao, which is just a good job.

"You wait to see it! After a while, I will definitely be sure." Wu Jing smiled and said.

Yang Hao also felt, nodded, "Well, if it is the same as the old ancestors, it will be protected."

Feng Yi is no longer inserted, just listening quietly.

On the table, after Lu Yan shouted, Yunyang did not say anything, and several elders behind him have a heart.

The three long and old, the first few steps, watch the straw bottle on the ground, and powder, tremble with the finger to pinch those small powder, there is no chest, "Ah !! Breakdan! Breakdan! what!"

The old man is sighing, "Hey ... Wusing! You! You ... ..."

Four years old and step forward, directly pointed to the city: "You talk about you! Such a big person, even the way is not good! Dan medicine is unstable! What can you still do?"

There is no refutation and justice.

Sixth, the old shot: "Five Ten Levels Breakdan? Old ancestors! This can't be so much!"

Five elders and regretted, I looked at the city and sighed. "Is it not intentional from the month? But this is also because of her."

The outside door is also a strong road: "Unfortunately, unfortunately."

Old old, look at the powder on the ground, revealing the colored colors, " ..."

The second elders have a serious road: "Don't you say more, everything goes with the ancestors."

Everyone looked at Yunyang, waiting for him to speak.

Yunyang is a black face at this moment. Everyone found that he was angry, and suddenly did not dare to live again.

Yunyang was cold and swept away from all the elders, and the sound opened: "You are very resistant? The old man of Laozi, also said that you said three four?"


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