Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yunyang is already very can't wait, and shouted: "Fast! Start!"

Moonlight also stopped, I saw a dragon flying night, some small disappointment: "It's not in it?"

"Hey! I am awesome!" Longfei night is not happy.

The disciples under the stage are also some admusive. "The unintentional brothers are all hiding? It's really not!"

"I admire his body flexibility, there is no spiritual force to respond quickly, it is really powerful."

Pully disdain, I immediately said: "Cut! Instead, I can."

Wu Xi said: "This is useless, you have to try it. Do you want to try?"

"Who will play such a boring game?" Li Heng immediately revealed.

Many disciples next to suddenly came to see, "The six elders are on the top."

"A lot of elders are playing above."

Li Heng face changed, can't help but be a bit unnatural, "I know! Don't remind you! Don't see it? Show you!"

Those people do not speak for a while, but it is still speechless.

Wu Xi can't help but talk, no longer talk.

Who lost anyone in a lot of money, the first round is the top of the elders.

After the city shouts, the four elders have can't wait to have a strong, there are five people in the line, anyway, it is lost!


Other people next to it can not bear to see, three elders are even more ridiculed: "Old four, have you dinked in the morning? Or did you have any food for a few days?"

"Yes! How is your strength so small?" The five elders behind him have never complained.

The four elders look at the more than a dozen flour bags you lost, all in the position of up to more than ten meters, and there is still a big distance from the old people.

Some depressed: "I am already very hard! It is too light this flour! Don't believe you try!"

Several don't believe, just watching the little white blur, how can it be light?

The five elders immediately immediately, grab a flour, lost, ..., landing.

"Hahaha! I just is not me! You look at you yourself! Even my half is not arrived!" The four elders laughed.

The people next to it are also laughing, and the older is very proud of walking a few steps. "You have not eaten! Want to lose us?"

The four long and old people have seen the people who are watching, immediately: "Come! Let's lose it together! This big basket will not believe in!"

The three outer portals behind are also eager to try, immediately pick up sleeves, and grab the flour bag.

Snapped! I have a two elders!

"Wow! There is! Zhong!" The few people suddenly excited.

For a time, the confidence is multiplied, the two elders are somewhat small, I didn't expect that the outer door is still quite big!

Sixth elders observed those flour bags, and looked at them and looked out, and immediately got a pack, and then put it in the nose.

Although the city is watching this game, but also pay attention to the surrounding situation, the eyes of the eyes are old, the lips are dark.

So, the old man is still the same, the four elders have three people.

"The two groups below start!" The city said, looking to two groups.

Three long and old step forward, stand online: "Old six! Are you full?"

Sixth elders have hooked the smile, "I am old, you can rest assured! We are all very physically!"

Said, the flour bag in the hand is going to face the opposite.


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