After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1378, Prototype Pain (6)

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The seven elders are laughing. "In fact, I also want to give up ... but, still can't." He also thought! But someone else is not letting!

In fact, it is very bitter, but the face cannot be expressed.

Six elders are laughing, holding crystal balls in one hand, "Is it? Since I can't welcome it."

The seven elders are still smiling, "Let's come over!"

Bomb! ! The two actually lifted the spiritual power, a flash, rush, one stop, grab, and did not let the other side.

At this moment, those who have also appeared in the long-lasting, the three elders are surprisingly the six elderly cultivation seems to be more powerful?

The same is true, and the heart is hidden, but there is not a different face.

When I saw it, I left two people left, glanced at the ground, stood at a position in an opaque position, and raised his hand to do a printing action.

Longfei night immediately, blocked her face seen outside.

I saw a small bottle in the hands of the city, and I fell on the ground.


It was originally looked at the gap in the ground, and there was a complex starm figure, and the positions of the elders were just in each point of the graph.

They suddenly fell, and they immediately wanted: "What is going on?"

In the middle of the two people, the seven elders are at this time, the changes on the stage, the body is flashed, leaving the positioned orientation.

The completion of the city once again made a gesture, "chemical! Enhance!"

The six elders are unreacted, and the crystal ball in the hand is directly like liquid half = melts, but not only this, even in the box is melted together.

"How is this going?"

Other elders are also a mist, there are a few just thoroughly, but found, "How can I get up?"

"I am also, my feet are sticky on the ground, the body is sticking to the chair!"

Lu Yanyang shouted: "Don't panic! Sit hard is!"

From the overlooking overlooking, at this moment, it is an array of law, and it is surrounded by the array.

The completion of the city is not only to trap him.

"What do you want to do with me?" The six elders were shocked, and the face was changed.

The disciples under the stage are also surprised by this transformation. "This plays games, playing, how suddenly?"

"I don't know! What is it?"

Li Heng's face change, "Will you do?" What do you want? "Immediately told Yunyang with Lu Yan:" The Lord! Old ancestors! Do you allow you to leave the month? "

He has seen that is a method, trapped his Master, but why did they suddenly trapped Master? Does he find it? This is impossible!

The disciples under the sixth elders are also wrong. Their long usual is very kind, how can it be treated like this?

"Sister from the teacher! What do you want?"

"Zong Lord! What did we do old? Why do you want him to sleep?"

Wu Xi is also a bit surprised: "This? Is this this?"

Feng Yi Ren looked at the feelings on the stage, and the eyes were all-color, and they were very angry. Secret pick up the contact, starting to operate.

The six elders are very ugly, "Zone! Everyone is elders! Old ancestors! What did I do? Why treat me?"

He has a trial of driving, but it can't make it.


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