Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Longfei night is bright, "When is it? I didn't find anything about it?" There is no problem with the things of the child? "

Moon ink is white, "" Waiting for Xiao from ourselves, now it is good. "

In this way, Longfei night is more curious.

Theirs sitting on the side is shocked, and the two elders are very unexpected: "Is it true?"

"But why? He is a good to kill so many disciples?" Eight long said that he would not.

The four elders suddenly angry and angry, anger is difficult, and his position is outside the array, so you can get up.

Several sounds rushed to the front of the sixth elders: "You kill the powers! You asthe! I should be thundered! Why do you want my apprentice! I want to kill you!"


The four elders are struggling to rush in the magical array, but the outside directly showed a transparent shroud, stop him outside, and can't get it.

Looking at the four elders, many people are also sigh, after all, those are his disciples, and their own loved ones.

Lu Yan shouted: "Four years old, you don't excite it, will give you a satisfactory manner today."

The city also sounds, "If you want to dispose of the murderer personally, wait for things to figure out, you will give you the opportunity."

The four elders are in this moment, and they will not be able to set up six long and old.

"Since the old four, then wait, since the main owner said, it will give it, it will definitely, now only need to figure out things well, after all, there are still many people don't believe, if it is casually, I will have a old man. Sixth, I can't let everyone convince, and there will be a reputation of the Lei Lingzong. "The five elders are old, and they will drag the four elders.

Directors are also busy: "The old four, don't impulsive, everything will have a result, not in this time."

"Yeah! Even if you have to dispose of the old six, you must know the reasons for killing, you can't let your apprentice die!" The three elders are also committed to persuade.

The four elders were opened, very unwilling to focus on the six elders in the array, "Division! You are waiting for Laozi! You will not let you !!"

Zhao Tian in the array looked at his Master, so angerous appearance, in fact, it was very moving, facing the sixth elders look more.

"You ... damn!"

"Still ... I ..."! "

The six elders can't hear the sound of the outside world, and it is back to the four elders. At this time, it is a drug episode. It has been quiet in his own world, watching a dead person in front of him, and looking back again. It is even more mad.

"You should die! Haha! Old husband can kill you once, then kill once again? Why do you want to blame you, you don't know what you know!" If you fall back, the color of the clouds does not cover up.

There are a few in the city, watching the eyes, it is listening to him to spit at him.

The disciples under the stage are even more exciting.

"Is the six long and old people? How can it be him?"

"God! I really can't think of it! I can't believe it!"

Lu Ziyan's face revealed that he turned to Li Heng angered: "You still say that your Master has done bad things? You look! He himself admitted! You are a German!"

"I didn't think that your Master is good, it is that he is framed, killing so many people, but also married to the month, then, it is a good person to pretend to be a good person? It is too sinister!"


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