Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Longfei night laughed, "Hey, how do I feel that Ling Gong will not be bored?"

"Do you think so?" Moon ink the mouth of the white mouth told a smile.

Longfei night flashed excited little light, immediately nodded: "Yes! Yes! Haha ... ha ... ha ..." No sound ...

The two discovered that Lu Yan asked them to look at them with an inexplicable eyes with a long time.

Lu Yan picked the eyebrow and asked: "What are you laughing? It seems ... very happy?"

Those who have also said that I really want to know that Longfei night with Moon white, "no, no."

Longfei night suddenly took a head, "Oh! I seem to have evolved! I have to hurry, maybe I can make progress."

Moon White is surprised: "So smart? You also have a thumb? I just have turned it! Go away, go to practice."

... a smoky, running.

Lu Yan looked at the ghosts and didn't have a shadow, not only didn't be angry, the mouth also set off a smile, laughing: "These two stinky bones."

"The main thing, this is the matter, we return to the square? There are also disciples there!" Big elders said.

Lu Yan nodded, "Well, let's go! This host is just right."

A group of people go back to the square, and they just walk, a bad corner of the horizon in the air, the soil layer is loose, and slowly climb out a person.

Li Heng got up and patted the earth, looked at the position of a group of people, and the face was full of unexpected colors. "Is it back in advance?"


The all-in-city that is pulled away by Yunyang, the people who have been infused along the way.

In the city, I can't see my Master has a problem with this master. It is ok.

So I couldn't help but ask: "Master, how do I feel this master, it seems that you didn't have the difference you said?"

Yunyang is seriously very serious: "You don't understand this, he is now polite, don't forget, Master said, your master, I hate women, I will do it with women! That mask The face, even if you don't look, you know how stinky. Although the master is not a big bad guy, Master is also for your safety, after all, is your girl. "

How do she feel a slightly in the corner? How do she think now, her Master is a hard in front of her, saying that others feel bad?

"Remember?" Yunyang asked again.

When the city suddenly laughed, nodded, "Well, the disciples remember." Although his Master said, the moisture is quite large, but it is still a teacher.

After their, they are not far from the Yun Wei, and the ink is once again comparable to Yun Yu.

I asked very small: "The master, do you want to directly Taoism directly ..."

"No, don't you feel that this is actually very interesting?" Yun Yu smiled and looked at the back of the city in front of the city, the meaning of the favor of the eyes, it has to overflow.

When the ink, I look at him, and then look at the city and immediately look at it.

The ink is a small voice, "Is the emperor are some suffering?"

"Do you think it?"

Yugi nodded: "Yes."

I looked at him and suddenly laughed. "This is what you said."

Yugu has not asked what it means, just listened to the sound in front, "Xiaoyi, my yard has not lived for half a year, should accumulate a layer will be gray, since you are so idle, you will be cleaned up. "


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