Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Ling Feng took a small and walked away, "I haven't seen the old crowd out. The master's master, it seems to be stronger than us, let's take a look."

Just hurt yourself, "Wait for me, I will go!"

The monk is also immediately keep up, and the green wood is hugging and chasing it.

The kitchen of the kitchen heard the sound of the outside, can not help but eyebrows, "What is going on? Who is going outside?" Donned, shout: "Ningrong, you will go see, you will have to eat, this will Don't be so useful. "

"Yes, the master." Ningrong stopped the hand on his hand.

I didn't see a figure in the gazebo, and I went to the front yard, still there is no one.

"Strange, run out to see the battle?" I quickly came to the direction of the war outside.

! !!!

Outside from 500 meters from the hospital, there is a piece of green grass, the two people are fighting, and the battle is fierce.

There are several onlookers below, and they are not screaming.

Ning Rong saw half-air situations, suddenly mistaken, "Is this going? Isn't you in discovering? Who is it to the old man?"

Just asked her, then replied: "It is the master of the master, is the old apprentice of the old man."

"What?" Ningrong said quite surprised.

Looking at the situation in the air, it seems unlike battle?

Some uncertain questions: "How do you look at the master's master, every time I have a trick? Is this not coming?"

Just kneadly cough, "No, after all, the old man's cultivation is so powerful, the master's master is of course doing it, isn't it?"

"Yes?" Ningrong didn't believe it.

! ! !! boom! !

Yun Hao is really welcome every trick, and it is put enough to vent the grievances in your heart.

"Stinky old! Are you with me? Is it? Every time I deliberately destroy my image!" Yun said coldly looked at Yunyang, extremely unhappy.

Yunyang laughed two times, "How can it be to destroy your image? It is just the truth, you are the same! A woman under the small three son, is it given you?"

This is more angry with this, and then immediately skyrockets, and the number of energy can be smashed together. ! !

! ! !

Yunyang did not counterattack, that is, the energy bombard, the energy bombarded on the ground, and several hurricane birds that were fascinated.

Yun Hao is cold and looked at Yunyang. "The old man, the woman who is spent is not!"

Yunyang is shouting, "How can I blame me? This is a teacher to see that they are all guards in Luoyongfeng, just in order to see you, how is it?"

Said, Yunyang suddenly looked at Yun Yun, and asked some strange: "Isn't it rarely wear a mask? How do you wear it today?"

Yun Wei smashed: "There is such a master, I doing the apprentices, I have to protect myself. Otherwise, when a group of flowers are coming around, I will have a big kill ring again!"

Yunyang was laughing, "But, your voice is somewhat blame, listening to some unbaistency for the teacher ..."

! ! Yunyang will once again attacked the two strokes to block directly, "You are a dead boy! Laozi is still talking, how do you do it!"


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