After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1417 But I have seen her man ...

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The city is very suspicious, staring at him and looks again, and then ask: "Do you have anything?"

Yunyang shook his head, "No, how can it be?" When you don't have a bowl of chopsticks, "No, no!" Looking at the vegetables on the table, your eyes shine, "these are all these Master loves, hey, Master is polite! "

No vision, Yunyang is trying to eat with strong mouth of the storm.

After the city turned and looked at Yun Yu, it was scored a variety of different color to change.

"Teacher? Do you look at the brother, what?" Yun Yu looked at him.

The completion of the city recovered his eyes, a faint reply: "Nothing, eat."

Yun Yu smiled and no longer speaking.

A meal time, everyone is full of feet, a few beasts are too lazy to sunbather on the stone table.

The allure of the house, said in the two people inside: "Master, since you have already discussed it with the big brother, then you will be able to!"

Yunyang laughed, don't mention more happy, and even a kind of conspiracy is a feeling, the city is once again eyebrow, and he is worthy of him. "Master? Are you so happy?"

"Cough, isn't you, you go! Let your brother help your brother to organize the house." Say that he urged her.

Yun Wei walked to the door and shouted: "Xiao Pan, Xiaozi, went to the front yard to clean up three rooms."

The game is suddenly turned down, and the side heads looked at his two guards. It didn't help the mouth: "Determine this is not the name of the eunuch?" Turned back to the room.

I have a little bit of grievance, some dissatisfaction: "Master, can I change my name?"

Yun said that he looked at him faintly: "Yes."

Just when he was full of joy, he heard the sound of Yun Yun and shouted: "Big Zi Zi."

"Hey !! Hahaha !!" Qingmu, the monster, and even ink can't help but laugh.

The head is full of black lines, depressed, watching him, unable to say: "The master, you still call me Xiaoyu!"

Yun Hao is in a shade of the color, soon, "can you go now?"

"Yes! Believe in the next." He nodded immediately, glanced at the people who were still laughing at the eyes: "Little Pupi? Can you go?"

"Yes, haha ​​... um, in fact, I don't want to laugh, just ... Just really can't help! Hahaha!" The side of Mo Wei smiled.

Seeing them, Yun Yuyu turned and returned to the seat.

Yunyang is laughing, watching him, "Clean, you are still fun under these two hands, with the shadow of the silly, there is a spell, haha!"

Yun Hao glanced, "Master, if you don't want the little teacher to know that my other identity, some words still don't say it is good, after all, the wall is ear, in case the doubts of the little teacher, don't say it is an apprentice. No hidden, I'm. "

Yunyang was immediately reacted, "" Yes, yes, you can't mention those. "

It can have a little doubtful look at him: "You did not expose your identity? Nothing to see you?"

Yun Yi nodded, "Well, before this, the little teacher has never seen her master." But I have seen her man ...

The corner of the mouth can not help but rise again, turn cough, cough, "Annual is still something, Master will continue if you have not eaten!"


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