Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The city closes the bag, patted the small head of the rock stone beast, and found that it was sprouted on the top of it.

"? Junyan this is another rock heart?"

The rock beast is todped when I smiled. "Well! Thank you, the owner's last time, the kind of aura, hey, and long!"

The city can't help but laugh: "Well, you can grow up, I am gone."

"The owner is slow!" The rock beast immediately nodded.

Out of space, the city has changed a slim trousers, the top is a blue smooth surface, and the white light yarn is attached, and the white trousers, the white embroidered gold line long boots, and the long hair is tied into a horsetail. This is dressed as a sure, and it is not lost.

Treat the city, Yunyang is just in the gazebo, tease a few beasts, Xiaochao on the stone table, Yunyang takes finger stamping its little meat, small can also enjoy, giggle Laugh.

"Haha! Haha! It's fun." Xiaomei rolled back and forth on the stone table.

Yunyang laughed at it: "This is really very little to have such a fat tyranno, can you run?"

It is said that there is still a small belly that pokes it.

Just thinking on Ningrong face unnatural, looking at your son, while thinking about a problem, is it to lose weight?

I can turn over, the round, the meat ball is struggling, sitting on the stone table, very unachable: "Where can I get fat? Small is of course not fat! Of course, running! Don't believe you!"

When I said, I started to make a spherical shape, I ... Black thorn, then ...

"Small? Don't roll! Otherwise, the owner will not hold you."

I heard this voice, and Xiao Ke tsab. I learned the previous moon, the two claws took the chest, and the eyes looked at the city. "The owner, the little can not, just the preparatory action under the demonstration, no real, hostess!"

The people around them have given it a look, shameless ...

The city came over, first greeted Yunyang, "Master."

Then there is no choice but to the small head, "You got the spirit." Put it.

Others are rushing to rush, "master."

Yunyang took her to take her to dress up, immediately asked: "Leather, you want to go out?"

Everyone looked at her, and her eyes mean.

The city is okay, "the apprentice is ready to come today."

Yunyang was surprised: "Ah? Today? When will you come back?" The purpose of his stay in is not lost?

Suddenly, I thought of the yard of the ruins of the ruins, I couldn't help but feel pain.

How to look at his look, how to feel a very sad, I can't help but feel strange, "Master? What happened to you? The apprentice is going out to do things, and want to see the West Continent, wait until the test game, will be directly Go to the meteorism. You don't have it to be so sad? "

Is it not sad? I have ate this meal, too disappointment ... of course is sad.

Yunyang smeared tears, watching the city, can only sigh, and can't tell the truth.

"Nothing, it's okay, the teacher is reluctant to you, this world is sinister after all, is you more dangerous?"

The city is laughing, "Not so exaggerated?

For you to say: "You go back to the space in the forest, there is a moon with green wood, and you will be too much. It will pay attention to it."


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