Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Sixth elders show, suddenly shout: "I am telling the truth!"

"You are sure is a truth?" A girl came from the door.

Yun Hao's mouth hooks a trace, looks at the outside, and goes to a girl from the stone step.

Longfei night suddenly shouted: "Xiaoying, how come you?"

"Cough and cough !!" Monthly Mo Chen quickly pulled his sleeves, and his eyes hind him.

Longfei night can not help but mouth, "I know, you don't talk, you can't talk."

Moon White is now white, and he is too lazy directly.

In front of the city, "I have seen Lu Zonglian from the month."

Lu Yan is busy, "Don't, you don't need to travel to me, discuss the generation, you are high, I can't afford it."

The city laughed, "Lu Zong is laughing, the old man is the late generation, the ceremony should be."

Turning to the cloud, it is unexpected. "I don't know the month, the master is here?"

Yun Hao is headed down. "Well, the brother does not know that the teacher will come to the dungeon."

The fall of the city is faint: "The teacher just wants to see, what is the identity of my murderer.

Directly, go directly to the six elders, under the eyes of the opponent, the city, the city took out a Dan medicine.

"Do you know what this is?"

Longfei night immediately came up, look, "Will not be the truth Dan?"

"What is the true words Dan?" The six elders feel a little quirky and asked immediately.

Longfei night laughed, "Of course, the medicinal medicine for your bald apprenticeship. Oh, or you think he is so easy to boast you?"

The six elders are angry when they are angry, "You ... you are a small man!"

The city is soaked: "Compared to your means, we are just a little witch, not to mention, it is not our forced him to take it, it is his voluntary, nearly three people are watching, how can we do? But ... ... Sorry, that is not the truth, Dan. "

"Ah?" Longfei night suddenly stunned, even the last month white white and Lu Yan were also surprised.

Yun Yuyi is just a light movement, the mouth hooks.

Lu Yanyu asked: "Will it, what are you giving?"

"But it is a pill, mixed with some of the other medicinal materials, I called it 'Xiqi thousand miles', and there is no impact on the clothes, but wait until the four hours of the past ... it is not the same." Also said: "Right, the reason why that lying will repair, in fact, my master did it."

The style of the city is light, but the six elders have already spread their eyes.

Sixth old is a throat, "You! You are very poisonous! You are piral to HSI !! I also cheated everyone!"

The city is smirk: "I won't let a one or two deliberately for me, give me a unhappy person, there is something wrong. You should celebrate that he did not do more things, otherwise, it is not so simple. "

"You can rest assured that Li He is seven consecutive days, will not control himself, anything, anywhere, will, if he is angry, then you will directly 'collapses ... I hope he is in these days. Everything I am angry, but it seems impossible to see his temper! "The city is very casual.

But she has been can't control after her, and the mouth is smoked.

Longfei Night is big shouting: "Haha! This' 1 diarrhea thousand miles is really a good name! Good care, but, you can divide this pill, can you be a bit? This is really too lonely. Hahaha! "

Yun Wei smiled slightly. "If you can, the brother also wants to ask the young master."


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