Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Bring him to serial, handled it!" Lu Yan said that he was looking at it, and that tied six old chains directly released.

The six elders are going to be planted, and the guard will directly grasp him. Try to Lu Yan again: "Yes! Zone!"

The six elders looked up at them, nor to talk, let him drag him away.

Lu Yan gave his wood to the city, "I know, you will go to the tea building, this is given you!"

The city is also welcome, and it is directly connected. "Thank you."

After a while, escorted, one person held a ring and there were contacts. Give it to Lu Yan, "The Lord, people have handled clean, this is something left by the six elders."

Longfei night immediately said: "Take a quick look at what is worth anything in the ring!"

Lu Yan's hilluristic eyes directly sweep him, "Are you very short of money? Hey your money!"

Longfei night laughed a few times, immediately replied: "No, Master, you misunderstood, the apprentice said for the little ly, is it?" He said to see the city.

A glimpse of the cold, "What did I say?" Is she lacking?

Lu Yan is listening to it is the lack of money, busy care: "Are you worthy of money?"

Yun Yuyu has a smile with the moonlight, keeping a positive color.

There are some speechless replies: "I am not missing."

"But every time you kill people, you will let the green wood search others, or the Baibao bags have various values!"

Longfei Night said that month, Moon White is in a somewhat unsteadic look at the city.

Lu Yan said quite surprised.

The heart of the city is slightly smoked, she is just a good spirit of do not whitewash! It is understood that it is a murder robbery?

Eight cough, open mouth: "Lu Zong is wrong, just think that the enemy is dead, if there is no collection, isn't it a waste?" Is there any useful information? And, there are several people there without interrogation, is it going to fight for time? "

Yun Yuyi once again trailed again, and said: "The teacher said it is right, but it is necessary to do it."

I saw him at a glance and recovered my sight.

Lu Yan also did not delay, immediately opened the ring, explored it, nodded: "Well, there is a few things."

I saw him shaking on his hand and drop a black token directly from the ring.

Lu Yan looked down. "This is Zhao Tian said that the outer door is good! The imitation is really like it."

I will lose another way, and I look at it again. "Is it installed here?"

Seeing that he seems to have found, suddenly pays back, seeing him again, there are several things, a brown wooden sign, engraved with a ink, carrying a fraction of the back, and Prints a pattern like his right hand tiger port totem.

"This should be his identity token in the ink." Lu Yan finished the brand, and he handed it to Yun Yu.

Moonlight eyes, slightly do not understand: "The identity token does wood? This is too casual?"

"Just, the ink is very poor?" Longfei night suddenly laughed.

The city looks to the brand in Yunyu, and it has a different color, and then doesn't move the color: "The brother is optimistic?"


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