After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1439 Someone is going to be unlucky.

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! He has been caught up at this moment, but it is immediately launched, but immediately looks at their master, and there is an idea in his heart. Someone wants to be unlucky!

White is not always laughing, I don't want to see the monster. He is not a true color ghost.

Then bypass the ink, the big shakes went to the pavilion and surprised: "Hey? In addition to the beauty, these men are all wearing masks?"

I got a few, I suddenly got a mouth, "Cut ... I won't think that I am a peerless man?"

"Hey, or our king is the best! Even the big magic is more than him! Oh ... Unfortunately, how can the big sister do not do our Pluto?"

"How do you listen to the murder? What is the devil? White, not a female magic? Hey ..."

Bai nor often sighs self-sigh, a pair of emotions look, and also sitting directly on a stone bench next to Yunyu.

He didn't know that when he stepped into the pavilion, he has been remembered. Now, a doctor is, but also directly provoked someone who wants to destroy his impulse.

In the front of it, he immediately got on the pavilion, in fact, it was in the near future ... At this time, he listened to him, and he couldn't help but pinch it.

Mo Wei immediately joined: ", how can this guy's mouth can't change? Now, I still have to do their martial arts."

: "It is not his question, it is the identity of the devil who is dead."

"This guy, the mouth is owing to clean up ..." Mo Yi smiled.

The moon is that they have nothing to observe, and they have always been concerned about the house, which is not unexpected.

Yun Hao is cold and looked at him. The person who is in the "long-sighted" is in a sad, the mouth is outlined, turned to see the moon white and dragon flying night, and some will ask: "You can see what is called 'sparks" ? "

Longfei night smiled straight: "I haven't seen it? Of course I have!"

Moon Moon Bes should be as simple as it, I immediately asked: "What style is you talking about?"

"Want to see?" Yun Yu smiled.

At first glance, Moon, white and Dragonfly night, they know that there is no good thing!

Bai impermanence is curious, and it is interested, immediately urge: "I want to see! You are performing!"

Yun Wei's eyes did not move the empty space, which is the position of the white immersed, and the Dragon Fei Night. "Do you want to see?"

The two people feel that they have a weird eye from the other unusual eyes.

Although Longfei Night did not understand, but still nodded, "To ..." is ready to be prepared.

Yun Wei took a few, suddenly there were multiple water polo, and several, randomly appeared a flame, the color is somewhat dark, and it is grayed.

Looking at such a color, even others are also strange, "What is this fire? Isn't it a spiritual condense?" Longfei night was curious.

"I haven't seen you before you used it?" Moon Many felt doubts.

It's a bit bad sense.

Yun Wei did not return to them, but the water ball waved two times with the flame, and the water ball was wrapped in the flame.

The people around them are very surprised, and the monster is curious. "Is this not the master's spiritual integration?"

The green wood shook his head, "Not, it seems to be fused, do not."


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