Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The smile of glutinous face is busy. "Haha! Great!"

When the white is going in, the door of the main hall is closed again.

The devil is getting up, next to a small voice, "What happened? What happened? Usually so happy?"

Another small voice says: "Hey! Don't talk to it, it is not good to be heard by the king, have you just heard the big lady?"

"Yes !!" It's also a ghost.

Several suddenly no longer speak, but the mouth is all unified.

In the big temple, the white robe is sitting on the white robe, the ink hair is used in the top of the head, the face is slightly large, and the cold eye is like a quiet deep green, the sword eyebrows, the nose is high, the look and Yun Yuyi can be said to be unblocked. Just a domineering, a breath.

"What happened to the thin lips of the Qing Xiu dust," What happened? "

At this moment, the sound is not just cold, but it has a temperature.

White impermanence looks at your king, how to see it is enough, every time you have to look at both eyes.

Seeing that he doesn't return, just stupid you look at yourself.

"Cough and cough! Amount ... I am sorry, I have just got a little." White is very busy, and I have a little embarrassed.

"Can you say it?" once again.

White is incompetent, it is excited: "You can, king! You guess, who is I met today?"

Waiting for a while, the dust is still an expression, there is no change to see him, and there is no need to guess.

White is impermanent, okay, ok ... Let them guess things, he thinks more ...

Finally, I have opened itself. "Wang, today is a big lady looking for it! Oh, I can be excited, I am excited! I have not seen it! Hahaha! Too much ..."

"Focus." The Qing Dust expression faintly, directly interrupted his self-intoxication.

When it is ignorant again, I am busy smiling a few times. "Yes! Miss is looking for help, let the belong to each other, a few death souls are sent to the humanity."

Donned, and said: "Then, how do you guess?"

The response of the other party is cold eye and is equal.

The cough is coughing again when it is ignorant, and it is forgotten.

Rapida also said: "Wang, it is actually in the yard of Miss, meets three very strange people!"

"No, no, they are not people, absolutely not."

"Isn't it?" Heavy repair is reacted.

White impermanence, "Yes, they can see the belongings, and, the first thing is to be on me. He also intends to do not track the big lady! Can be evil! "

For the last sentence of him, repair selection automatically filtered, and there is fluctuations in calm, can't help but draw a doubt.


White is imperfectly angry: "The guy really is too bad. It turned out to be a brother of the reborn old. The big lady clearly called your brother!"

The ..

"Xuan Ming back ..."

"What? He?" White is coming to suddenly, it was a suspicion, "Wang? The devil is not seal it? He, how can it come out? And his two hands, it is also the devil?" How can I see him?

The . ..

When I am omitted, I am a mist, I don't quite understand: "Success? Wang, what is your meaning?"


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