After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1458 This is that kind of person?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Wu Xi is a head: "Yes, not only the brothers, it is also a friend."

Li Heng is strange, there is a different, there is a little unnatural, immediately concealed the past, and immediately smiled. "Hey! Who said when you are a friend? I haven't said it!" I didn't ignore him directly. Go outside.

Wu Xi is not angry, immediately shouted behind him: "You don't think it is very tired."

Li Heng is keeping, smiling: "Who said that I am discouraged? I am very exciting!"

Wu Xixing shrugged, smiling and catching up, "What are you running?"

Li Heng immediately, there is a unnatural side, immediately returning to him: "Who run? Don't think you have seen everything through everything!"

Wu Xi took the ear, it was very difficult: "Cut! It seems that you are still very spiritual, I am also worried that you are now unable to force it."

"you!". Li Heng pointed to him, but he just said a word. The belly begins to react.


... ... ! ! ! It is also a buzzer 'sound.

A odor gas is excluded from him, and Li Heng face has changed, immediately pushed him, and then rushed along the nearby Gongfeng, "You go! Go away."

Wu Xi looked into a stunned, "Wow? What is the movement of your stomach?"

When I ran, I was unstable, I suddenly fell, and I was angry, "You!"

Wu Xiyun ran over and helped him, "Hey! You still want to run? Waiting for the trousers, you can't get in a room. Or I will take it!"

Li Yun face suddenly swells red, and it is an embarrassment and a mood. There is also a mood that can't say it. At this moment, Wu Xi will walk, his leg is really soft ...


The three elders follow the four elders while sitting two times looking at Lu Yan, a face is not very good, a face is curious.

Lu Yan is self-drinking tea, and it seems that it is not ready to look, let them two in their hearts.

"How? Zone, you are saying a saying!" The four elders can't stand, and asked.

The three elders are curious to look at him, "Zong Lord, are you knowing the cause of Li Heng diarrhea? You don't know the truth, I don't know. Let me give him a detoxification Dan? ? Is it a diarrhea? "

Lu Yan looked at him two anxious to get angry, but his face was a smile, slowly said: "What is eager?"

Donned, for the four elders: "The four elders, this bully knows that you are because of the powerful things, it is a bit bad about Li Heng, but one person is doing things, the power is always good, this is Li Heng "

The four elders are very uncomfortable: "But Xilheng this kid is not good, how do you determine that he will not refurbish in the future?"

Lu Yan mysteriously smiled, faintly returned, "naturally has something to prevent, this doesn't need you know."

The two are strange to look at him, what is it already prepared?

"What is he this today? I will wait for the detoxification Dan to give him?" The three elders looked at him.

Lu Yan handed a small porcelain jar, "You will take this to him! It will not be something wrong with this."

Three elders saw this, immediately a pair, I will know the expression, "I have a relationship with you."

"Don't say that this is that kind of person? Furthermore, this is to do this for the month." Lu Yan is busy to defend himself.


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