Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! When Huang Naiwen suddenly retired: "What is it? My family is quiet last night, I am still good at the street, the result is not returned overnight, and I am full of death in the street this morning, I still have a jade pendant in her hand! "

Say, a white jade pendant appeared in his hand.

This is the identity pendant of Luo Shang Guard, and it is not in the waist, so it is more likely to show their identity. This is in the hands of Huang Naiwen.

The jade pendant swayed again: "What is this?"

Lu Yan once again eyebrows, did not say anything, Huang Naiwen immediately said: "It is because of seeing this jade, we think that you are, it is really coincident, wait for me to go home, your home is good. The younger brother, it is ready to handle the quiet body! "

"If you have a jade pendant that is in front of the death, it may be unintentional. What is the person? What is the person in your Luo Family? Say!"

Rosia Jiu suddenly shouted: "This uncle is clearly a girl's girl, and I wake up, I have become a young lady, still die? How do you know that your yellow family is three ladies? Go to the smokestream building! "

"Wow !! How is this? The three Miss Huang family go to the smokesture building?"

"No, don't you hear it? Miss Huang San is killed in the street, there is a jade pendant of Luo Shang Guard in front of death, and Miss Huang San is dead in the room of Luo Erchor If it is not the early Master Huang, even the body is not seen! This is not very obvious to grab the woman, kill after the first rape? "

"Oh, I want to say that this is also asked to ask the smokesture building. After all, Luo Erchor said that people were taken out in the smokesture."

"According to me, there must be a conspiracy here."

The surrounding melon people, suddenly opened their own cerebral cave, and kept the brain.

A group of people still breakdown, also listening to a lot of pump.

Longfei night can not help but laugh: "Xiaoying, you understand this kind of thing, if you have a horse, I will explain it."

The city is directly oblique to him: "I don't have it to say it."

Murongfei, who has been quiet, I have some impatient people who are inseparable, and I will look at the sight, and I suddenly frown, I am working hard, I am trying to squeeze out a group of people. Looking at the two people in the back of the two people.

"How to feel some know ..."

Suddenly, the sound suddenly came out, hey! ! Then I came out of the scream: "Ah !!"

The two directly flew out, and those who flew out were also just flying to the city.

The moon is lifted by Qingmu while lifting his hand, and the two will fly out.

Hey ... There are too many people, some people can't hide, directly under pressure.

It is also this action, people who quarrel, and other onlookers and other people look at the group of people.

At this time, Longfei night and others looked at the surrounding sight to them.

Two of the flying is the hand of Luo Fama, Luo Heng's face is a bit, and Rozi Jiuyu shouted: "Who are you! Even people who are Luo family dare to move!" The guard is surrounded.

Those who attach the masses can be driven by them, and even consciously moving on both sides at this time.

Yun Yuyi suddenly fried, and also stopped at the same time.

Longfei night helpless: "It seems that you can't think of it."

Mo Wei looked at a group of people around him, the face was cold, "the master, is it to kill them?"


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