Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! On the side of the two people and the two people, but sometimes I will peek to see the interaction of Yun Yu and the city, the mouth is satisfied with the look.

Didn't wait, Li Lin took a team of service personnel, and the portable dishes were taken in the house.

Longfei night suddenly was very excited, "Yea! When is this guy called the meal? Haha! I am hungry! The real time!" Immediately sat on the table.

Several other feelings, I am very comfortable, and Yun Wei looked at him. "You are not polite."

Longfei night laughed a few times, swaying hands, "Of course! Well!"

On the table, Yun Wei is also sitting down with the whole city, and it is faint to say: "Start eat!"

"Leather, eat more, and make more points." Yun Wei is very intimate to give the city cabbage.

The city is also very happy, and it is very happy to eat.

A group of people who are dining here, I don't know, I will welcome two people.

Murong Fei Xue entered the store, it attracted a group of people to cast a stunning eye, some people looked at her, and they didn't turn.

"Where is this beauty? I'm so good."

"I don't know, which is a lady, or which country's princess?"

Luo Heng directly took the shelf, standing next to Murong Fei Xue, and the people who saw those who saw those who saw it, and they also took a versatile.

The store is immediately asked to ask: "The two is the meal, or the store?"

Murongfei snow watched four weeks, did not see people they want to see, they can't help but lose, it seems to be a mood ...

Immediately, the store is two, "open two rooms." The hand showed a teleconcry card.

Many people staring at her and immediately surprised, "Is Crystal Card? This woman is set to the extreme."

Luo He saw that the purple card is also awkward, his own card is Golden Carda.

Western continent's card, and the East Continent is not the same, it is measured by the standard, white crystal card is to have at least ten kinds of lactary to handle, not the light has gold coins, the same Pushing in this class, Gold Crystal Card takes a hundred Chinese-carite stone. The purple crystal card takes a hundred top stone, a thousand top of the black crystal, and the audit consent of the Ruifeng Qibei.

So, this is also the reason why those people see that Murong Fei Xue takes the evil card.

I looked at her, then took a card, respectfully said: "This lady, please sit down, small to call the shopkeeper, immediately register."

"Well." Murongfishue is slight.

Li Linzheng came down on the second floor, and he just served in Yunyi's room to serve them, and was called out by Yun Hao. At this time, the store is young and two, and I will shout: "Li Shi cabinet."

Li Lin came over and asked: "What is."

The store is a small two immediately: "The girl is going to open two rooms, this is her purple card."

When the second talks, the eyes gave Li Lin hinted the Murongfei snow sitting over there, "said her! What should I do?"

Li Lin suddenly looked at it, and suddenly, it was her?

I immediately was positive, when I didn't know anything, I took a purple card, I got down: "Okay, I will say."

Sorry, I've walked over, "Sorry two, today's inn already have full, no room."

"What? No room? How?" Lu Yan was surprised and asked immediately.

Li Lin passed the purple crystal card to Murongfei, and it was very regrettable: "This lady is very sorry."


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