After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1482 Someone wants to buy me?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The city looked around and said: "Shopping is just a second." The words, release Yun Yun's hand, and directly lift the front people to go.

Yun Wei smiled, followed by, suddenly, step, a piece of eyebrow, glanced in the corner of the distance, and his eyes went through a dangerous cold light.

The sound is quite cold: "Moi, solved the few farts."

Yugi nodded, "Yes!"

also immediately let the knowledge and observe around.

It's not just a minute, and the ink is coming back.

"Who?" Yun Yi asked.

The ink is holding a small brand, and it is also an identity token. "This is from their body."

Moon Moon is immediately coming up, "Is this a hobby?"

"What else?" Yun said again.

The ink immediately replied: "They received the task, they killed the master."

Yun Hao hindled over the cold, "It seems that someone is not affectionsed ..."

Also: "Ink White, let people go to check, why giving the hometown! I found it."

The month is white, "Okay, this is put on me."

"Hey? Do you do it? Let's go!" The city is angry in front. She also found someone tracking them. However, Yun Wei will deal with her completely unfamiliar.

Yun Wei immediately turned around to take a smile, "solve it, let's go!"

"Who?" Longfei night is very curious, they just entered Mo Cheng, someone stared at them?

Yun Yunzhen spitting two words, "hidden love."

Moon white supplements: "Some people buy the killer of the club, and the life of the child."

The city is suddenly unexpected, "Someone wants to buy me?" Can't help but laugh.

"From Lingzong, I was stared again? It seems that people who want to be in the people are really a lot ... I don't know, they want to kill the Fengli City, or I will leave the month ..."

"No matter who, I will not let go." Yun Yu immediately said.

The city immediately smiled, "You said, if I say it outside ... My name is the wind and moon. Is it, will another group of people directly?"

Yun Hao is in a slightly, immediately reacts, smile and scrape her nose, and the pet: "Naughty, you can't expose the identity now."

The city smiled, "I know, I am joking, I have to wait for me to have a certain capital. I will not think that I have done it over the stage."

Yun Wei smiled and headed down, "Well, let's go!"

Treat him two, Longfei night helplessly shook his head, "Xiaoshi is really not easy, every day, people have been remembered to kill her."

Moonlight turned, looked at him: "Do you have heard the name of this name? I seem to have heard of it."

Longfei night listened, immediately shook his head, "No, no, I have not heard."

"Are you so nervous?" Moon white is some inexplicable.

Longfei night suddenly laughed, "Hahaha! No? I am nervous? No!" Immediately chasing two people in the city.

Some of the moon ink is inexplicably, "How is this guy sometimes somewhat nerve?"

There is no other situation around the back in the back of the ink. However, I saw two people behind, I couldn't help but wrinkle.

When the ink is taught: "Don't she be chasing it?"

Looking at the woman in the back, I don't like some face, "I went to us," I went to us. "


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