After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1491 We are robbers 3

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! boom! When the foot suddenly appeared a stone, the waist was below the waist, and he could not move.

"You! Be evil!" Wu Qunxiang is hard to cut.

Next, the city has appeared around him, and the sword is shot towards his head. "You dare to marry my mother! Anti-day! Do you know who I am??? Don't know if you don't do Dead Hu said eight !! "After finishing it!

boom! !

Again again: "You are not dead! You haven't worry! Laozi shoots you!"

Hey! ! Wu Qi suddenly full of blood DC, until the end of the head, did not know, is it not a sentence? As for so angry?

The head of the game is cold in the ground, Shen Sheng said: "My mother is your kind of failure! You are a livestock!"

The hand refers to a fight, and a group of fire is lost. Burn his corpse and your head is directly burned.

Listening to the city, Yun Wei felt cute, flashed to her, put her, "No need to be angry with this kind of person."

The city nodded, "Well. Anyway, it is dead."

There is still a death in the battle, I am already dead, and I am immediately anger, "I will die !! You actually kill Wu, let me die!"

Bringing ... It's another smuggling.

I looked at the moon, "Let you live a few breaths, not let you talk nonsense."

Roade your hand towards him, and then run a spiritual energy body, bombing!

Liu Wei wronned to move the bullets, and the invisible power bundled, and the advanced year energy was well-smashed.


! ! A burst of explosion, the corpse was directly smashed.

Longfei night is over there, turning around, tune: "Hey, you are now more and more violent."

The moon ink is smiled, "each other each other."

I saw that Longfei Night the battle area only had a bunch of corpse pieces.

The city looked at the surrounding the destruction of the general guards, and ran, but there were people outside, so they were not worried.

There are two people who are going to the ground to prepare the detoxification arrow: "You know what your female master, where?"

The Allure is very strange, so big movement can't you hear? Unless ... in the basement? Or is not in private hospital? But the news said that in the ... so, it must be in the underground room!

A man on the ground immediately: "You kill us! We will not say it!"

The city is faint to look at it, "Is it? Such hard?" Take a small bottle.

I looked at the 'hard' s, "Come, since you are so powerful, death is not willing to say, then go directly."

Directly poured down the liquid, Zi launched ... a smoke rose, and the man suddenly called.

The people next to him were scared, they couldn't help but feel afraid. It was only a few times, and it was chemically formed into a smog.

Longfei night is curious with the moon, "What is this?"

If the two are asked in the same way, the city directly returns to a sentence: "Do you want?"


Yun Wei looked at them and immediately said: "Buy money."

Two people listened to the time: "Don't!"

The city laughed, "Let's take a work first." I received a bottle and looked at the people who had been scared on the ground. They were very calm: "Let's say it! Otherwise, you will be the same as him."

The man quickly said: "At the room."


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